(94): You Can Change

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Fred x Reader requested by justanaveragewriter. In this, you're  a villain, which is pretty rad, so enjoy.

You walk through the halls at SFIT, keeping your head down. Suddenly, someone bumps into you. You glance up. "Oh. I-I'm sorry."

A heavy hand steadies you by grabbing your shoulders. "My bad," A guy says. Fred. You'd seen him around, admired his free spirit, and developed a crush on him. "It's hard to see through this suit."

You smile. "It's okay." He smiles back. You look away. "Um, I-I should go."

"Of course." He steps away, you walk off. "Hey!" He calls. You turn around. "What's your name?"

"___," You call out with a smile.

Over the next few days, Fred observes you. How you read quietly during free time, during sporting events. How you drink (fav_drink) all the time, and read (fav_comic). He didn't understand why you were so lonely, or why he had a crush on you after uttering only a few things to you.


After school, you suit up. A long, black, tight-fitted suit complete with black flats. A mask. Your hair tied back. As crazy as it sounded, you were a villain. A super villain. You'd been out for a while now, and dedicated your life to making everyone as miserable as you were.

You were lonely. Ever since you moved to San Fransokyo, you'd been lonely. The only way to help your boredom, you thought, was to be a superhero. When that didn't work out, and you realized that you were just better at being bad, you decided to become a villain.

It used to be easy. Very easy. Until Big Hero 6, that is. Nothing's easy when a team of six superheroes followed you around and threatened to take you to jail.

Still, you decide to go out.


"Guys, we've got a problem," Hiro states as the team wait around for a villain to start doing their job.

"Finally," Go Go groans. "Who is it?"

"(Super_villain_name)," He says.

Fred sighs. It was always (super_villain_name). He admired the strength that guy had, sure, but when would they catch him?

"Don't worry, guys," Go Go says. She pops a bubble with her gum and puts her helmet on. "We've got him today."


"Nothing personal," You mutter to the guy you just knocked out in the alleyway. You grab his wallet and then pat his shoulder. "Just business, sir."

"Stop, (super_villain_name)!"  Someone says from down the alley.

"Crap," You mutter, turning around. Big Hero 6. "Hey, guys! What's up?"

"We're not playing games, dude. Hand over the guy's wallet."

You smirk. "No thanks." You run off into the shadows.

"After her!" The kid in the purple shouts. You hide at the edge of a building, laughing quietly as the team run right by you. You step out of the shadows and back into someone.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry," You automatically say.

"My bad," The figure says. You turn around and see the kaiju looking thing from Big Hero 6. "You!"

"Oh crap," You mutter. You try to run away, but the thing's claw wraps around your arm. You thrash around.

"You almost let her get away!" One of the team exclaims.

"I know, but sometimes it's kinda hard to see out this suit!"

You freeze. "Fred?"

The kaiju stares at you and lifts the opening of the top eye up. "___?"

"You're a hero?"

"You're a villain?"

You blush, suddenly embarrassed. "Yeah. I am."

"Wh-Why?" Fred whispers.

"I-I- Well, I was a hero. I just realized that being popular and heroic wasn't for me. I'm lonely, I'm ignored."

"___," He mutters sadly.

"Fred. We don't have time for this. We've got to take her to jail."

Fred looks at you sadly. You shrug. "Take me to jail. Doesn't matter."

"No. It does matter." He turns to the team. "Sorry, guys."

Suddenly, his arms wrap around your waist and he says, "Super jump!" He leaps into the air. Your arms grab onto his.

"Whoa- What are you doing?" You shout as Fred lands on the top of a building.

"Taking you to my place. We have much to discuss."

"Much to-- what?" You shake your head.

"Look, you're better than this. Change. Change for yourself, change for me. You can be a hero. Trust me, it makes everything about life better."

"I-I don't know if I can."

"Of course you can!" He says. "Freddie'll help you! We'll change up that costume a bit, invent some new heroic inventions, study comics more in depth. You've got this!"

You laugh. "I do. Thanks, Freddie." You hug him. He smiles.

"You're welcome."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now