(4): Safe

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Hiro x Reader requested by toothless4ever. Enjoy!

"I'll see you tomorrow, guys," You say to your group of six friends as you lift your backpack onto your shoulders and head to the doors of SFIT.

"Leaving already?" Wasabi asks, lining up some pencils on his desk.

"Yeah, I'm tired." You shrug and pull on the handle, opening the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ___," Your best friend, Hiro, says from his lab. "Video games tomorrow?"

"Totally," You say, waving at him.

"Later, ___!" Fred says from Honey Lemon's lab as he practices his sigh spinning.

"Later!" You say, walking out into the night. You walk down the sidewalk towards the calmer part of San Fransokyo, listening to the familiar honking of cars from downtown.

The only bad part about walking home was the alley that led you to your apartment. It was long and wide, and you never knew what could be lurking in the shadows. Monsters? Murderers? You shudder and shake your head. No, you were being ridiculous. You've been watching too many monster movies with Fred lately. The moonlight is blocked by the tall, dark buildings that surround you. You sigh and look down.

That's when someone yanks the backpack from your shoulders.

"Hey!" You shout, turning around. "Give it back!" Two men stand before you, grasping your backpack. They wear dark masks and laugh quietly. Your fists clench in anger and you jump up, clawing at one of their faces. You rip the mask off of him and the other one grabs your waist, moving you away.

"She's seen your face now," One says. "We've gotta take her."

"No!" You shout, struggling as they drag you to their car. "No!"


--The Next Morning--

Hiro walks to your house, Fred trailing behind. Every Saturday morning the three of you would play video games until at least midnight. Fred runs between the walls of the alleyway, pretending to climb them like Spider-man. Hiro sighs and shakes his head at his friend. "Freddie, bitten by a radioactive spider, can now climb walls with ease!" He narrates, running ahead of Hiro. "He- hey, Hiro, isn't this ___'s?" He asks, holding up your backpack that was left in the struggle.

"Y-yeah," He says, running to Fred's side.

"Maybe... She dropped it?" Fred asks hopefully.

"I hope so," Hiro whispers. "But something tells me she didn't come home last night."

Hiro and Fred run to your house, knocking on the door. They try to open it and it's locked from the outside.

"This is starting to turn into a horror movie," Fred says, still holding the backpack. "And I don't like it."

"C'mon, Fred. We've got to find her." Hiro runs off, Fred running beside him.

"Got it. What do we do?" He asks.

"You go file a police report at the station and then call the others," Hiro orders.

"Got it," Fred says, running towards the station.


Hiro walks up and down the alleys, searching for any sign of you. Where could you be? What could've happened to you? He shudders at the thought of what might have already happened. Could you be dead? No. No way. Hiro refuses to think like that. What would he do if all they could find was your lifeless body?

"Let me go!" He hears from down the alley. He freezes, eyes widening as he sees two men dragging you out of an apartment.

"___," He whispers before running towards you. "Hey, stop!" He shouts, running straight into one of the men, knocking him down.

"Hiro?" You gasp. The other man releases you in surprise and runs, as if a fourteen year old boy is actually frightening.

"Run, ___," He says, scrambling to you, pushing you forward. You run as fast as you can even with a limp. "___?" He asks as you stop,  gasping against the brick side of the building.

"I can't, Hiro," You grasp your ribs.

"What happened?" He asks. The man stands and starts running towards you and Hiro gasps. "No time, let's go!" He wraps an arm around your waist and half carries you, half drags you into the safety of the police station. Fred stands at the counter, talking to the cop. All eyes turn to the two of you.

"Whoa, dudes, are you okay?" Fred asks.

"Fine, I think," Hiro gasps breathlessly. You fall to your knees, still holding your side. "___?" Hiro asks, eyes wide with concern. You bite your lip and lift the side of your shirt up, revealing the bruises that line your ribs.

"Uh, I think she should go to the hospital," Fred says, steadying you.

"I'm okay," You say, but in just a few minutes you're on your way to the hospital.


"Two broken ribs and some bruises," The doctor says. Hiro frowns and looks down at you, who stares at the x-rays. Cass sighs and nods, patting the top of Hiro's head. "Due to the kicking those teens did to her."

Hiro grabs your hand and lays his head on the bed you lay on. "But not to worry, she should heal fairly quickly with enough rest and those guys are well on their way to jail." He smiles politely and nods.

"Thank you," Cass says. The doctor nods and walks out of the room. "I'll go tell your friends the news. I'm so happy you're here safe." She kisses the top of your head and you smile.

"Thanks, Cass," You say. She smiles and walks out, leaving you with Hiro. His head is still pressed into the bed. "Hiro," You say, trying to get him to look up. "Hiro, are you okay?"

"Fine," He mumbles as he lifts his head. His eyes fall to your side, where you have an ice pack pressed up against the bruises. You shift uncomfortably, wincing at the pain in your side. "Hey, take it easy," He says, standing up and touching your shoulder until you relax against the pillows.

"Yeah," You gasp as the pain dulls into a light throbbing.

"Do you need more pain meds?" Hiro asks. "I can call the nurse back here."

"No, no," You say with a smile. "I'm okay."

"Stop that," Hiro mumbles, his eyes narrowing.

"Stop what?"

"Acting like everything's fine."

"It is fine," You insist.

"No-" Hiro begins to protest.

"Hiro!" You say, shaking your head. "You saved my life."

"B-but I should've been there last night. Then none of this would've happened."

"Stop," You whisper. "Don't blame yourself." Hiro frowns and you reach for him. "Come here," You mutter, throwing your arms around his neck and holding him close. Pain throbs in your side but you push it away.

"Hey, stop, ___. You'll hurt yourself." Hiro softly pushes you back against the pillows but touches your cheek, smiling sadly. "I'm so glad you're back," He whispers. You smile and he leans down to kiss you. His lips are soft against yours, and you smile. He pulls away, smiling happily and you quickly pull him back to you so he'll kiss you again.

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