(74): Wedding Day (With Hiro!)

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Wedding day with older Hiro, as requested by many of you. Enjoy. ^-^

Cass walks in Hiro's dressing room as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. "Hiro, honey, ___ is almost ready-" She stops, staring at his reflection. Hiro looks at her and smiles. "Oh, sweetie, you look like your brother." She covers her mouth with her hand and blinks tears away.

"Don't cry, Aunt Cass," Hiro says. "You should he happy that you're getting rid of me."

"That's true. Soon you'll be ___'s to annoy." She hugs Hiro, laying her head on his shoulder. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Cass," Hiro says.

"Alright, hurry up! ___ is almost ready and gorgeous as ever!" Cass leaves Hiro alone to check on you.

"Ready, sweetie?" She asks from the doorway.

"Yeah," You say.

"Good. Here are your flowers." Cass hands you a bouquet of (fav_flowers), held together with (fav_color) ribbons. "I'll go make sure everything's going smoothly. The music is your cue."

"Okay," You say. "Thank you, Cass. For everything."

"Oh, sweetie," She says, pulling you into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too," You say. Cass kisses your cheek and pulls away.

Five minutes later, the music starts. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself. In just a few minutes, you'd become ___ Hamada. You start the slow walk down the velvety carpet floor, your eyes on Hiro. He smiles at you, thinking about how beautiful you look in that long, white gown, with your hair pinned up elegantly by Honey Lemon.

You arrive at your place in front of Hiro. He reaches out and strokes your cheek, making you smile. The vows the two of you are the short and sweet traditional ones. You'd rehearsed them a million times, but your eyes still got teary at the thought of finally getting married. You weren't even paying attention, so you were taken by surprise when Hiro reached out to cradle your face gently in his hands. You reach up and touch his cheeks, quickly jumping up to kiss him. Everyone cheers. Hiro's hands slide down your shoulders and onto your back, holding you. You move your hands to the back of his head, twisting your fingers through his hair.

Hiro pulls away and presses his forehead to yours. You close your eyes and smile. "I love you, ___ Hamada," Hiro whispers.

"I love you more, Hiro Hamada." You kiss him again.

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