(162): Snowed In (Hiro)

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Snowed in Hiro x Reader. ^-^ I added extra cuteness for TheOverexitedFangirl. (I hope that this is okay for you) Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!

"What are your plans for after classes today, Hiro?" Honey Lemon asks during lunch.

Hiro takes a bite of his sandwich that Aunt Cass packed him and says, "Hangin' out with ___."

"Fun," She says, poking her fork around her salad. "I was thinking about-"

"Whoa!" Fred shouts, shooting up out of his chair. "Do you guys see the snow?"

Everyone turns to look out the window. The snow is falling so hard, everything looks completely covered.

"Whoa," You say, taking a sip of (favorite_soda). "Think we'll get stuck here?"

Everyone shrugs. The conversation moves on to another topic. Classes go on as usual, for a while. Then the professors gather all of the students in the library to wait out the storm.

You sit in an armchair in the back of the library where no one is around, waiting for your friends. Hiro walks up and sets his backpack down. "Hey," He greets. "Pretty crazy, huh?"

"Pretty crazy," You agree.

Hiro takes a seat down beside you. "Guess this ruins our plans."

"Guess so," You say. "Our plans were lame, anyways. They always are."

Hiro laughs. "Hey, videogames are fun!"

"I know," You say. You pull a bag of gummy bears out of your backpack. "Gummy bear?"

"Sure," He says, digging into a bag. He brings up a handful.

"Hey, I said gummy bear, not gummy bears!" You say. Hiro laughs and pushes your shoulder. You push his and he slides out off the leather seat. "Ha!"

Hiro grabs your hand and tugs you down to the floor. He snatches the bag of gummy bears away and steals your seat. "Ha!" He mocks.

You cross your arms and look away. "So mean," You say.

"___," Hiro says. You don't look up. "___, look at me." He sighs and places a finger underneath your chin. You look at him and he kisses you quickly.

"Hiro!" You say, jerking back. He smirks. "That still doesn't make up for my stolen gummy bears!"

He pouts. "It doesn't?"

"No way," You laugh. "But taking me sledding after we get out of here just might."

Hiro laughs. "Okay. We'll go sledding." You look around before leaning in to kiss him again. Hiro laughs and blushes. "Getting snowed in and having to stay in a library isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

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