(34): First Date (With Tadashi!)

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Tadashi x Reader requested by disneywonderlandgeek. I was hoping that I'd feel better today but I have managed to feel worse. Ugh! Guess I'll be laying around all day-- wait, I do that anyways-- well, guess you'll be getting a couple of chapters today! And thanks everyone for the 'get well soon's and everything. ^-^

"So, bro, have you asked her yet?" Hiro asks Tadashi as he sits at his desk at SFIT, nervously tapping a pencil on the desk.

"No," He mumbles, eyes on the window.

"Well get on with it!" Hiro hits Tadashi's arm. Tadashi pushes Hiro away and laughs.

"I can't," He sighs.

"Can't what?" You ask, walking into Tadashi's lab.

"Oh, uh-uh, nothing." Tadashi smiles at you, a blush forming on his cheeks when you flash a wide smile of your own. The two of you had been best friends since you were little, but lately Tadashi has wanted to be more. But how could he ask you out? He could possibly ruin the friendship!

"Okay," You say with a shrug.

"Well, while you ask the question, I'll be outside. Good luck, bro," Hiro whispers in Tadashi's ear before punching his arm again and walking out.

"Okay, something's going on," You say. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Tadashi says reassuringly.

"Tadashi," You say, raising your eyebrows. "Tell me."

"Uh, no. No, I can't."

"Tadashi," You whimper, pouting. "Please?"

"Ugh! You know that I can't say no to that."

You smile and hug Tadashi, sitting on his lap. "I know."

He laughs and buries his face in your hair. "I just . . . I wanted to know if . . . maybe . . . you would want to go out with me."

You pause. Your heartbeat quickens and you can't seem to catch your breath. Finally, you force out a "Yeah, of course!" and tighten your arms around Tadashi.

Tadashi smiles, pulling away to look at you. "You make me so happy." You laugh and shake your head, blushing. "You do. And I love you, ___."

"I love you too."


--Three days later--

"Tadashi!" Cass gasps with excitement, her cat Mochi in her arms. "I can't wait to hear all about your date!"

"Uh, yeah," Tadashi says, rolling his eyes. "Well, I should go. I have to meet her at the museum in fifteen minutes."

"Oh, alright." Cass sets Mochi down and hugs Tadashi. "Be nice, be good, have fun. . . I love you!"

"I will, and I love you too, Aunt Cass." Tadashi smiles and walks out of Lucky Cat Cafe.


You spot Tadashi pulling into the parking lot on his scooter. Smiling, you walk up to meet him. "Hey, Tadashi."

Tadashi stands up and hugs you. "Hello, beautiful."

You blush and laugh nervously. "Ready?"


After the museum, Tadashi takes you to dinner and then a walk around the city. The moon is full, and there are tons of twinkling stars.

"A total cliche romance," You mumble, and Tadashi laughs. His fingers are intertwined with yours, and he looks down at you. Suddenly, he stops.

"___," He says.

"Yeah?" you ask, turning to face him.

He shakes his head. "I am so in love with you."

You smile and reach up, touching his cheek. Slowly, the two of you lean in to kiss. The kiss is slow and sweet, lasting only a few seconds. You pull away and Tadashi hugs you close.

"I'm in love with you too."

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