(23): Comfort

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Hiro x Reader requested by Artistical_Author. (°^-^°)
Posting two one shots today because tomorrow my copy of Hiro's Journal will be coming in the mail tomorrow and I am freaking excited. It will be my third Big Hero 6 book! Yay! And only 10 days until I get to see the movie! Hopefully my Fredzilla Disneybound will be put together by then, but *sigh* who knows.
Anyways, enjoy!

"Hello, ___," Cass says, carrying a tub of dirty dishes into the kitchen in Lucky Cat Cafe. It's just minutes before closing time, and it's the first time visiting since your best friend, Hiro's big brother Tadashi passed away.

"Hi, Cass. I hope you don't mind that I came over so late, I just wanted to see how Hiro's doing. He never calls me back." You help Cass with the dishes.

"You don't have to help me, honey," She says. "Yeah, Hiro hasn't been taking this well. He hardly eats, he never leaves his room. I don't think he's had a full eight hours of sleep since it happened. He's exhausted, but he can't even tell because he's so depressed. I just- I don't know what to do." Cass dries her hands on a towel and falls into one of the chairs. She buries her face in her hands, her short and frizzy strands of hair bouncing as her shoulders shake with sobs. You pull a chair up and drape your arm around her shoulders, holding her close. Mochi, her cat, walks up to her and rubs against her leg. Cass sits up a few minutes later. "I was supposed to be there for them. I-I failed as a guardian, I lost Tadashi."

"No, no," You say. "Tadashi was brave. He wanted to help people, and he did. You raised him to be brave, Cass."

Cass gives you a sad smile. "Thank you, ___." She kisses your head and stands. "I know Hiro could really use the comfort."

"Okay," You say, standing up and walking up the stairs.

You knock on Hiro's closed bedroom door. "Cass, I'm not hungry. I already told you." He says from inside. His voice is tired. You frown.

"Hiro, it's ___," You say.

You hear the creak of the floorboards and the door pulls open. Hiro stands barefoot, wearing baggy shorts, and a red t shirt. His hair is everywhere, matted and unbrushed. "___."

"Hey," You say softly, leaning against the door frame. "How have you been?" Hiro stares at you then at the floor. He shrugs.

"I'm tired, I guess," He says emotionlessly. You frown. "Why'd you come?"

"Because you're my best friend," You say. "I wanted to see how you've been."

"I've been fine," He says, looking up at you again. "Thanks for stopping by." He begins to close the door. You stop it and walk inside. "___-"

"Hiro, shutting the world out isn't going to help anything," You say. "I know it's hard. It is. But shutting it all out will make it worse." Hiro shrugs and turns away. "Hiro-"

"No!" He suddenly shouts, turning to face you. You jump back. "No! I am tired of hearing, 'be strong, it'll be okay!' and 'The pain will pass over time.' because it won't! My brother is dead! I watched him leave, knowing he wouldn't come back. Everytime I close my eyes I see the fire. The memorial. The funeral. He's gone. He's never coming back. It's over. Everything's over." He sits on the bed, angrily wiping his tears off his cheeks.

You look down. "Hiro," you say quietly. "I know you're tired of hearing the same thing. I know. I know that you lost your brother, but that day I lost both of my best friends. I miss him, Hiro. I miss you too. I'm sorry for bothering you." You wipe away a tear of your own before turning to the door.

"___?" Hiro asks quietly as you turn the knob. You turn. "Please don't go. I need you." He stands and you turn around. Without pausing, you walk over to him and hug him tightly. He hugs you back, burying his face in your neck and sobbing. You brush your fingers through his hair with your right hand, the other rubbing his back.

"I'm here," You whisper. "I'm here for you."

"Don't leave," He wails. "Don't leave me too."

"Never, Hiro. Never." You guide him to the side of the bed. He leans on your shoulder, sobbing.

After his tears run dry, you take his hand. "It sucks," He says, voice lifeless.

"Yeah," You say.

The rest of the night the two of you are silent, relying on each other for strength.

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