(161): No System

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Parent Wasabi x Reader, since this is a totally cute idea. ^-^ this one has a terrible ending, but I couldn't find a good way to end it. Sorry!

You wake up to hear you husband, Wasabi, say, "Good morning, beautiful."

You smile. "How can I be beautiful this early in the morning?"

"You just are." Wasabi kisses your forehead. "Come on, up, up, up! We've got a day of running around to do! Shopping trips, dinner with the Hamadas and friends-- super busy, super tight schedule."

You sigh. "It's too early for a schedule."

"It's never too early for schedule, ___!" Wasabi pulls you out of bed. "Come on, come on. I love you, but you are seriously slow."

You groan. "I'm tired."

"Fine. You're seriously making us fall behind. Get dressed. I'll go wake up (baby_name) and get (him/her) ready." Wasabi leaves the room.

You grumble complaints to yourself as you get ready. It's silent for a few minutes. You get dressed, brush your hair, style it in your everyday style, and brush your teeth. As soon as you're finished brushing your teeth, you hear a shout.


You automatically run to the baby's bedroom. "What! What is it!" You panic.

"___," Wasabi says. He's on the floor, struggling to get clothes on the baby, as (she/he) has recently learned to crawl, and decides to make things difficult. "(She/he)'s out of control! (She/he) has no respect for my system!"

The baby laughs and crawls away. Wasabi hangs back in defeat.

You laugh and scoop up the baby. You sink down to the floor next to Wasabi. "Silly, silly (baby_name). You've decided to aggravate your daddy a little early, huh?"

You dress the baby with ease. Then you play with (her/him), enjoying the little peace of doing nothing.

"You're so good at this," Wasabi says softly. You pick up the baby.

"Good at what?"

"Being a mother," He clarifies.

You look up and smile at him. "I couldn't do it without you, Wasabi." You kiss him. (Baby_name) interrupts the kiss by pulling at (his/her) father's hair and squealing with delight. Wasabi turns his attention to his (son/daughter).

"Are you jealous, (baby_name)? You want attention, too?" He picks up the baby and kisses (his/her) forehead and cheeks over and over. (Baby_name) laughs, the sound of it warming your heart. Wasabi cradles (her/him) to his chest. He smiles. "Guess I should be more flexible on time and schedules," He says. "I don't want to miss times like this."

You lay your head on his shoulder. "No system, then?"

"Guess not. Not with this little one, anyway." He smiles and kisses the baby's head. "I don't mind. It's nice to have a free day. It gives me more time to spend with you guys."

"I love you, Wasabi," You say.

"I love you, too, ___." The baby looks up, so Wasabi adds, "Mommy and I love you, too, (baby_name). We're not leaving you out."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now