(173): Find A New Angle

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I guess the way I cope with heartbreaking Big Hero 6 DVD loss is by writing short and random one shots. Here's a Fred x Reader.


You wake up to the sound of grumbling. You open your eyes, cringing a little at the way-to-bright sunshine that pours in through the window. You sit up to see Fred, your husband, hunched over the desk at the other side of the bed. He scribbles on a pad of paper. His fingers comb through his hair rapidly.

"Freddie? What are you doing?" You ask.

He barely glances up at you. "Writing," He says. "Drawing. This is awful, though! Ugh! I should give up." He tears a sheet of paper off of the stack and crumbles it up. He throws it in the trashcan.

You sigh. Even though Fred inherited a lot of his parents' money, he wanted a job. He said that supporting a family with his work, not his father's, was important. So, with the help of his father, he was given the job of a comic book writer and artist. Along with the job of taking care of the house, the bills, and you, of course, Fred had to find a balance between being a superhero and working for his father.

"Fred," You say patiently. You climb out of bed and walk to your husband's side. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and lay your chin against the top of his head. "You've just got writer's block, that's all. It'll pass."

"No," He grumbles. "Let's face it-- I'll never be like my Dad. He's awesome at this and I'm-"

"Just starting out," You interrupt. You lean down to look into his eyes. "Practice, Fred. Practice."

"I can't," He says in defeat.

"Ugh, Fred! Come on! Stop being so negative! Just-- find a new angle!"

Fred looks at you in confusion. "New angle?"

"There's another way to write this. Don't try to mimic the other heroes. What makes you special, Freddie?"

"My knowledge of kaiju that makes me superior to any other fanboy?" He says.

You laugh. "Start with that! Then, when you're done, think of who you want to be."

Fred nods. "Okay. Okay." He picks up his dull pencil and starts scribbling on the paper.

You pat his back. "What do you want for breakfast? I'll bring it to you."

"Um, soda. Oh! And the leftover tacos in the fridge. And bring me the bag of potato chips, too, please."

You smile. "That's not a real breakfast. You need fuel for you brain."

"Then throw in a couple of Poptarts, ___! I can't stop writing now! I'm on a tight schedule here! I'm on a roll!"

You laugh and walk out of the room to complete your breakfast mission.


By the time you come back, Fred has a whole page drawn out. He gives it to you to read over as he tears into the Poptarts.

You smile as you read over it. "I thought that your hero was going to be you, Freddie."

He shakes his head. "Nope," He says with a mouthful of Poptarts. He takes a big drink of his soda. "I decided to make you the hero instead."

"Why me?"

"Because you saved me, ___. You save me every time I'm down. You bring me buffets of junk food. You put up with my craziness and fanboying. You love me for reasons I probably won't ever understand. You're my hero, ___. I guess that's not the right literary term, though-"

"Aw, Freddie," You interrupt. Tears spring in your eyes. "I love you. I wouldn't change anything about our life. You're my hero, too." You cup his face in your hands and kiss him deeply. His hands hold your face against his. The two of you pull away, breathless.

"I thought you didn't have the time to stop writing."

Fred smiles. "I always have time for you." He stands up and pulls you against him. He kisses you again. You smile against his lips and melt into the embrace.

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