(19): Remember (Part One)

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Fred x Reader requested by toothless4ever. c: I split this one shot up into two parts. (Hope that's okay!) Part Two should be up tomorrow!
Enjoy! (Unedited).

"Hiro, I know that I have said this many times-- but we can't go against this guy! We're nerds!" Wasabi says as the seven of you drive around the alleys in search for Yokai.

"Trust me, Wasabi," Hiro says, eyes bright with excitement.

"Yeah, Wasabi, don't freak out. We've got this!" Fred says, propping his feet up on the seat in front of him. The head of his kaiju suit sits on his lap, and Fred grins goofily.

"Fred I swear, I will pull this car over and push you right out," Wasabi says harshly through clenched teeth, fists tight around the steering wheel.

"I'll gladly help," Go Go says from behind Fred.

"It's okay, Freddie," Honey Lemon says from beside her.

Fred sighs and takes out a comic book from the floor of Wasabi's car. You smile at him and release your seatbelt, sliding closer. Fred smiles and moves the comic so it lays half on his lap and half on yours. This is how the two of you would hang out, most of the time.

Wasabi suddenly slams to a stop and Hiro screams, "There! There he is! Baymax, c'mon!" Baymax sits on the seat beside you. You reach over and open the door for him and Fred throws the comic down on the console and climbs out of the car.

"Let's go, ___!" He shouts, grabbing your arm and speeding down the road. He blows his fire in Yokai's direction and Yokai throws a wave of microbots in his direction. While you're stuck fighting your own group of microbots, you realize the situation that he is in. Go Go throws discs at Yokai, Hiro and Baymax are in the air, and Wasabi and Honey are no where to be seen. Only you can help Fred.

"Fred!" You shout, sprinting to him just before the bots reach him. You slam into him, sending Fred scrambling across the road. The wave of microbots hits you hard, dragging you across the pavement until you slam into a building. You feel a sharp pain in your head before everything goes black.

Fred stands up and takes off the top part of his kaiju costume. "Fred!" Go Go screams. "He's getting away! Get him!"

Fred doesn't pay any attention. He runs towards the microbots that cover the ground, searching frantically for you. "___? ___! Where are you?" He shouts.

"Fred!" Wasabi screams, and suddenly all of the microbots rise into the air, carrying Yokai with him. "Fred, you idiot! You let him get away!" Wasabi runs to Fred and punches his arm. Fred winces but continues to look around. He spots your unconscious body, laying beside the building.

"No! ___!" He runs to you and scoops your body up in his arms, falling to his knees. "___?" He whispers, checking for your heartbeat and sighing with relief when he hears it.

"What happened?" Hiro asks as the five of them run towards Fred.

"She saved me," Fred whispers, looking up at them. "Why would she do that?"

"Aw, Freddie!" Honey Lemon says, bouncing up and clasping her hands together. "She loves you!"

Hiro and Wasabi look at you, wondering why you would like him enough to risk your life. "What-" Hiro begins to say.

Fred eyes widen in suprise. "She does?" He asks, looking down at you. Could you really love him? Him? He never thought anyone would have feelings for him. He never thought of ever having someone. He shakes his head. Before anything else, you needed to get to the hospital. "We need to take her to the emergency room. Who knows how hurt she is." Fred stands and holds you tight to his chest, carrying you to Wasabi's car.


--The Next Day--

You lay in your hospital bed, still asleep. An IV hooks you up to a monitor and liquid drips in your veins to keep you hydrated. Fred sits at your bedside, his hand holding yours, trying to warm your cold skin. He sighs. He'd been here all day. The doctors said that you would wake up anytime, but he was losing hope. What's keeping you from waking up? Did he not get you here soon enough? Did he not save you? He groans and leans his head down on the bed, keeping his forehead on your hand. "Please wake up," he whispers. "This is my fault."

"W-what?" You whisper, shaking your head and opening your eyes.

Fred looks up, saying "You're awake!" loudly. He shoots up out of his chair and it clashes to the floor. You flinch at the loud noise. "Sorry," He says quieter, picking up the chair and sitting back in it. "How do you feel?"

You blink, confused. "What do you mean?"

Fred looks at you in concern. "Y-you hit your head." You don't move. "Do you not remember?" You shake your head. Fred looks down at your hands that are clenched into fists, tense in his. He takes a deep breath and asks, "Do you remember me?"

You shake your head. "No."

"I-I-" He begins.

The door opens. "Hey, Fred. Hiro and I brought you food- hey, she's up!" Cass says, carrying a tray of hospital cafeteria food and setting it on a table. "Hiro, go get the nurse. Oh, sweetie!" She says, hugging you tightly. You freeze. "How do you feel?"

"Uh- Cass-" Fred stands.

"I'm okay," You say.

"That's good. Wasabi and Go Go are on their way up and Honey Lemon is-"

"Cass, she doesn't remember anything!" Fred whispers loudly.

"She doesn't- oh ___, honey, I didn't know." She presses a hand to her chest and goes out to talk to the nurse.

You look up at Fred. "What do I do?" You ask quietly.

Fred sighs. "You have to remember."

"I can't," You say, your voice breaking at the end.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry. Look, I'll help you, okay? You'll remember everything. Freddie's gonna take care of you." Fred reaches for your hand and you take it hesitantly. "I'll be right here with you."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now