(96): You Can Change (Part Two)

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Sequel to You Can Change as requested by justanaveragewriter.
I seriously love writing about villains-- & I tried my best with this request.

This one shot might be a little dark, just so you know. I can't decide what's too violent and what isn't so like, idk. I tried to change it, make it a little nicer, because I know that younger readers -- such as my sister--  read this.
Oh well.


Fred spent all that week telling you about heroes. At the end of the week, you decide to help the team chase down a criminal. A murderer, this time.

Fred gives you some tips as the team sneaks around the dark side of the city. You sigh. "Freddie? This is a pretty big job. I-I'm not sure-"

"No worries!" Fred whispers. "You've got this! Freddie's here to help you out. Just--" He stops, seeing a guy wearing dark clothes entering a building. "Get him!" Fred sprints forward, grabbing the back of the guy's jacket. He yanks him to the floor. "Come on, ___--" The criminal lashes out. You see the gleam of a knife plunge into Fred's leg.

"No!" You scream, running forward. You jump on the criminal, pinning his arms to the pavement with your knees. You start hitting his face over and over.

"___," Fred gasps. "___, stop!" He pulls you away. The man is unconscious. "You can't do that! Heroes don't do that."

"I'm not a hero, Fred. I've tried. I've tried, a-and I can't do it. I can't." You turn away. "I'm going back."

"No!" Fred says, grabbing your hand with his huge blue claw. "Please, ___. Don't leave me."

"Freddie," You whimper.

"Please," He whispers.

"I'm going," You state. Fred sighs sadly. "Come with me."

"What?" He asks with disbelief.

"Yeah. Come on! You showed me how to be a hero. Let me show you how to be a villain."

"I don't know. . ."

"You'd do it for me, right?"

"I-I'd do anything for you!"

You smile. "And I'd do anything for you." Fred sighs. "Freddie?"

"Okay. Yeah. Let's go be villains."


Later that week, Fred is starting to fall easily in the villainous lifestyle. You're surprised. It was easier than expected.

"So- are we gonna go rob a store or something?" Fred asks. "Oh- if we are, can it be a comic book store?"

You laugh. "You're such a dork, Freddie. And I love it." You plant a quick kiss on his lips. "Anything for you. But, um, I-I was thinking, like, your team-- they'll get in the way."

Fred's face falls. "___-- I love you, but no way I'm going to kill them!"

"Freddie, I'd never ask you to do that. Ever."

"Then. . . what?" Fred asks.

"Just-- divide 'em up."

"Why?" He asks.

"So we don't have to worry about them getting in our way!"

"That's a great idea," Fred says slowly. "Okay. Let's do it."

"Do you have some ideas?" You ask.

"A few," He says. He looks a little uneasy. You lift your arms up and wrap them around his neck.

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