(187): We're All Hurting

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Wasabi x Reader requested by sydneysupernatural12. Reposting this because for some reason only half of the original story uploaded. Ugh. Sorry.


"Hey, Aunt Cass? We'll catch up okay?" You hear Tadashi Hamada, your second best friend, say. You don't know yet, but this is the last thing you'll ever hear him say.

"Okay," Aunt Cass says. You turn away as she gives her nephews hugs.

Wasabi, your best friend, smiles at you. "Everyone's riding in my car. We'll meet them over there. Riding with us?"

"Sure," You say. You follow your friends to Wasabi's car.


"Where are they?" Go Go groans.

"Seriously," Fred sighs. "This is so boring!"

"I'm sure that they'll be here soon, guys," Honey Lemon says sweetly. "This is a big day for them. They don't need to rush."

Just then, your phone rings. It's Hiro's number. Everyone stays silent as you say, "Hello?"

"___, come here, please," Aunt Cass chokes out. You hear sirens in the background.

"Where, Cass? The showcase? Cass? Cass?"

"Tadashi! Tadashi!" Hiro screams.

"Hiro, sweetie, please."

"Cass? What happened?"

"There was a fire," She whispers. "Tadashi.  . . please just get here."

"Okay," You whisper.

"Tadashi's gone," Hiro wails. You drop your phone as if it electrocuted you. You bury your face in your hands and sob.

"___?" Wasabi asks gently.

"Just get to the showcase," You whisper. "Something's wrong."


Over the next few days, you can't find any motivation to do anything. Every time you close your eyes, you see the fire, Cass's tired eyes, Hiro's empty face, the grey skies and downpour of rain, the black umbrellas.

You spend your days alone. You stay curled up on your couch, staring at the TV, even though it doesn't play anything.

After a few days, Wasabi stops by. He knocks. You lift your head slightly and call out, "It's open!" in a hoarse voice. You haven't spoken in days.

"Hey, ___. Where've you been?" He asks, shutting the door behind him.


"Avoiding my calls?" Wasabi takes a seat beside you.

"You called?"

"Only, like, twenty times each day."

"Oh. Sorry. Guess I wasn't paying attention."

Wasabi sighs. "Is this about Tadashi?"

You don't reply.

"___. You can tell me."

You take a deep breath and say, "Yeah. This is about Tadashi."

"___. He's not-"

You sit up. "Please don't tell me that he's not really gone. He is. He's not here. He's gone. He left us to be the hero he always wanted to be and now I don't know what to do and I'm lost and I-I can't." You start sobbing, your whole body shaking with each cry.

"I don't blame you," Wasabi whispers. "I'm not really buying it, either. Listen. Tadashi's gone. We all miss him, ___. I don't know if it will get better. . . but we can cope. We can adapt. But only if you stick with us. We need you. I need you."

You nod and wipe away the tears sliding down your cheeks. "Yeah, you're right. I need you, too, Wasabi."

Wasabi leans over and hugs you tightly. You bury your face in his green sweater. "I'll always be here."

You smile, thankful for your best friend who's always by your side.

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