(172): Meeting the Family

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Tadashi x Reader I thought of. I kinda have writer's block so I'm really struggling with requests. Sorry.
& my Big Hero 6 DVD that I preordered got lost in the freaking mail. Seriously upsetting. I'll probably have to wait a few more days for it. Siiiiiiigh.

So, again, sorry for the crappy chapter, guys! I'll post your requests as soon as possible!


"___, I have an idea," Tadashi says as he walks into your lab. You set down your tool and move the small robot that you were working on aside. You pull the safety goggles off of your face.

"What's your idea?" You smile at your boyfriend. He walks over to you and wraps his arm around your waist.

"Well, we were still unsure on where we're going to eat dinner at tonight, correct?"


"Well, my Aunt Cass makes amazing food and she owns a restaurant. I was thinking that we could eat there with her and my brother, maybe?"

"Oh. Um, sure. Yeah. Sounds good."

"Great! I should get back to work. I'll come around here after classes. I love you."

"I love you, too," You say. Tadashi kisses your forehead and hugs you tightly against his side before walking out.

You return to work but you're zoning out. Meeting Tadashi's family sounds scary. What if they don't like you? You have no idea what they're like. You spend the rest of the day worrying.


Around five, Tadashi stops by your lab. "Ready?" He asks.

"I think so," You say. You run your fingers through your hair and wipe your palms on your jeans. "Do I look okay?"

"You look beautiful, as always," He tells you. You smile nervously. Tadashi notices. "What are you worrying about, ___? My family? It's not a big deal, seriously. Aunt Cass is excited to meet you."

"Okay," You breathe. "I don't know. . . just. . . what if they think I'm weird?"

Tadashi laughs. "They're weird, ___. Now come on, dinner is cooking."

You smile and take Tadashi's hand.


Your panic doesn't ease. In fact, when Tadashi opens your door to let you out of the car, it gets worse. Tadashi takes your shaking hand again. He squeezes your fingers. "It's okay," He murmurs to you.

You nod. Tadashi opens the front door and let's you step inside first.

"Aunt Cass? Hiro?" He calls.

"In here!" A cheery voice calls. A lady with short, frizzy brown hair walks out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a white kitchen towel. "You must be ___!"

"Yeah," You say shyly. "You're Tadashi's aunt?"

"Yup," She says. She drapes the towel over her shoulder. "I've raised him for ten years now." She smiles proudly at her nephew. "You can call me Cass, sweetie."

You smile. "Okay."

"Hiro's probably still upstairs," She mumbles. You jump when she screams, "Hiro! Get down here! We have company!"

She walks back into the kitchen. Footsteps echo down the staircase. Hiro jumps off of the fourth step from the bottom. He holds a little black robot in his hand. "Hey, Tadashi."

"Hey, knucklehead. This is ___, my girlfriend."

"Ah. Hiro," He introduces himself. "I feel like I already know you. Tadashi never shuts up about you." Hiro smirks.

Tadashi blushes and rolls his eyes. "Okay, whatever."

You laugh and wrap your arms around Tadashi's waist. He hugs you back.

You hear a quiet purring from the couch. Tadashi smiles. "That's our cat, Mochi."

You laugh and pet him. "Hello, Mochi."

The cat purrs and closes it's eyes.

"Alright, kiddos. Wash your hands and sit down. Dinner time!"

Tadashi leads you to the kitchen. The two of you wash your hands and then sit down. You sit beside Tadashi and across from Aunt Cass. Hiro sits beside her. Cass sets (favorite meal) on the table.

"So, ___. You major in robotics?"

"Yeah," You say. "That's how I met Tadashi."

Tadashi smiles.

Hiro sets his robot down on the table.

"Hiro!" Aunt Cass exclaims. "No robots on the table!"

"I'm trying to fix it, Aunt Cass. This is important. I can't figure out what's wrong."

"Let me see it," You say. Aunt Cass's eyes widen. "I-If it's okay with you, Aunt Cass."

She smiles. "Go on ahead."

Hiro hands you the robot. Cass watches in amazement, Tadashi watches in awe as you give step by step instructions. Afterwards, you hand Hiro his robot. You blush and look down.

"I told you she was brilliant," Tadashi breaks the silence.

Aunt Cass claps. Hiro grins. "Thanks, ___. You're awesome."

You blush a deeper red. "Um, thanks."

The four of you continue to eat the dinner, chatting happily every now and then.

After dinner, Tadashi takes you home. As he pulls into your driveway, you lean over and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks for inviting me," You say. "It was seriously fun. I really like your family."

"All that worrying for nothing, huh?" He laughs.

You roll your eyes. "Shush."

"Okay, okay." He reaches out and touches your cheek. "I'm glad you had a good time. You can come by anytime."

You smile. "Okay."

"I love you," He says. He kisses you.

"I love you, too." You climb out of the car. "I'll see you tomorrow, then."

"My place or yours?" Tadashi asks as he starts up the car.

"Yours-- if they want me over again."

Tadashi smiles. "They will. I can't guarantee that we'll get to spend much time together. Hiro might want to build more robots and Cass might want to show you baby pictures and all of that."

"Baby pictures, huh? Alright, I'm going to your house. Night!"

Tadashi laughs. You shut the door and wave as he pulls away.

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