(90): My Hero

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Fred x Reader requested by justanaveragewriter. I seriously loved writing this. Enjoy!

You were hanging out with your boyfriend, Fred, just like always. The two of you were watching super hero movies and eating tons of snacks. During the movie night, your phone buzzes. One cop, who keeps you updated on the crime in the city, texted you:

Two robberies just took place downtown. Mind if you check it out?

You look over at Fred, who's totally engrossed in the movie he's seen a million times before. "Hey, Freddie, mind if I go home early?"

"Why?" He asks.

"I'm tired," You say.

"That's why we have caffeine!" He exclaims, gesturing to the cans of (fav_soda) in front of you. You smile sadly and lean in to kiss him. "Night, Freddie."

He sighs. "Night." You kiss him again and leave.

Outside, you call the police. "Yeah, officer, where exactly are they?" He gives you the information. "Yeah. I'll be there. Just need to suit up."

It was kind of a secret that you were a hero. No one knew that you were. You liked it that way. Of course, there were the Big Hero 6, as they liked to call themselves, always taking over most of your jobs. You didn't know who they were. In fact, you hoped that you would never know, because they made you extremely unhappy. This was your job before theirs, after all.

You suit up, you suit giving you the power of (fav_power). It was (f/c), complete with a black mask and tall black boots. After suiting up, you go downtown, looking for the criminals.


--Back at Fred's Mansion--

Fred was disappointed. Did you just not like hanging out with him anymore? He wasn't sure. His phone buzzes. A text from Hiro.

Robbery downtown. Care to check it out with us? Or are you too busy hanging with ___?

Fred texts back:

On my way to the garage.


Fred arrives, decked out in his kaiju suit. The team hangs around in the garage, looking angry and disappointed.

"What's wrong, guys?" He asks.

"That stupid (your_superhero_name) beat us to the job," Go Go says angrily.

"Oh," Fred tries his best to sound disappointed. He idolizes that hero. That hero can do everything they can with only one person instead of six! That takes skill and determination. "That-- stinks."

"Yeah," Hiro says. "But that shouldn't stop us. Let's go get those criminals. They should be our responsibility."

Everyone agrees. "But-" Fred starts.

"But what, Fred? Are you coming?" Hiro asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course."


"There ya go, officer. One down, one to go." You say, dragging one criminal by the hoodie of his jacket and dropping him in front of the cops.

"Thanks," He says kindly. You smile. "Any idea where the next one is?"

"I saw him run down the alleys down that way-- should be easy to get him."

The cop nods. "Good luck."

You nod and take off.

In just a few minutes, you catch up with him. You climb up the side of a building and wait for him to run your way. When he's close enough, you leap down. Instead of landing on the criminal, however, a flash of blue falls into you. It automatically grabs ahold of you, and the two of you tumble down the road. You land on its stomach. "Ow! What do you think you're doing, genius?"

"I'm so sorry!" A voice says from inside. You notice the suit from the Big Hero 6 team.

"Yeah, me too! That was my criminal!"

"Your criminal?" He mutters. "You're (superhero_name)!"

"Yeah, I am. Now have a wonderful day." You storm off, chasing after the criminal. When you find him, you see that Big Hero 6 has already turned him in.

"Hey, great job, guys!" The blue thing says.

"No way. That was my criminal!" You say. The team smirks. You turn towards the blue thing. "You! This is all your fault!"

"I'm seriously sorry," He says. He reaches up and takes off the top part of the kaiju suit.

"No, it's-" You break off, as you see that it's Fred. "Freddie?" You ask.

"H-how-" He stutters, amazed that his hero knows his name. You remove your own mask. Fred gasps. "___!"

"I-I had no idea that you were a hero," You say in disbelief.

"I didn't know that you were one, either," He says, stepping towards you. You smile. "You're not still mad at me, are you?"

"What? My boyfriend is a freaking super hero. I've never been so thrilled!"

"I can't believe that the hero I've been fanboying over is my girlfriend," He says. "Y-You're amazing, ___."

You blush. "So I've heard."

Fred grins and scoops you up in his huge arms. You sit on the crook of his arm, your arms around his neck. "Want to go try our powers out together?" He asks.

"Of course!" You exclaim, kissing him. The two of you run off, leaving a shocked and confused team behind.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now