(22): First Date

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I've had a few requests for first date/non sad Hiro x Reader, so here's one! Enjoy!

Hiro takes a deep breath as he hears you greeting Aunt Cass downstairs. Today was the day he was going to ask you out. For months he's been debating on whether he should take the chance or not. He glances over at Tadashi's baseball cap that now lays on his bed. "Wish me luck, brother," He murmurs.

You open the door. "Hey, Hiro," You say happily with a huge grin on your face. Seeing that smile makes Hiro's heart skip a beat every time.

"Hey," he breathes, watching you sit on his bed. "Hey. So, uh, w-what do you want to do, uh, today?"

You smile at his awkwardness. "I don't know. We can... Go to the movies? An arcade? Go to Fred's to play videogames?"

"They all sound fine to me, but first, I uh, wanted to a-ask you something." He sits down next to you and stares into your (e/c) eyes.

"Sure," You say, tucking a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.

Hiro smiles before blushing and looking at the floor. "Right, so, uh- well, I like you, you know... And I was wondering if, well, I don't know... You wanted to go out sometime? As like, more than friends?"

"Yeah, totally," You say, biting your lip.

"R-really? Great, okay." He looks up at you and smiles.

"So, arcade?" You ask. Hiro nods. You take his hand and the two of you walk downstairs together.


Later that week, you get ready for your first date with Hiro. You dress casually, with a plain (f/c) t shirt, skinny jeans, and (f/c) Converse. You leave your hair down, only putting a headband in it to keep it out of your face. The doorbell rings and you run to answer it. It's Hiro, holding an umbrella above his head to keep the rain from soaking him. You see Cass pulling out of the driveway.

"Hey," You say. "Cass isn't driving us?"

"No," he says. "I told her that we can walk."

"Okay. Where were we going?"

"I was thinking maybe out to the fancy Japenese restaurant down the street." He says.

"Sounds great," You say, frowning at the rain.

Hiro hands you the umbrella. "Here. I brought this for you. Unless... You want me to hold it."

"I've got it," You say, shutting the front door. Hiro pulls his hood over his head and walks beside you in silence. "Thank you."

"For the umbrella? It's no big deal." He shrugs.

"And for asking me out," You say.

"Oh. I-I'd been wanting to for a while."

"No way, really?" You ask. Hiro nods, blush highlighting his cheeks. "Then you should've asked forever ago!"

"I-I didn't know how... I just, I don't know, I thought that if you said no then I wouldn't have a best friend anymore."

You stop and reach for his hand. "Aw, Hiro," You say. He smiles and you drop the umbrella, pulling him into a hug. He wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your hair. "I'll always be your best friend, no matter how awkward this relationship could've been."

Hiro laughs. "You're soaked," He says, pulling away and handing you the umbrella. "What was the point of bringing it if you're just going to throw it away?"

"Sorry," You say, laughing. "Guess we'll have to wait here until I dry off. We can't be immature and show up drenched in rain, can we?"

"Guess not," Hiro says, taking your hand and walking to the side of a building. "This is going to be a long wait." He flicks your hair back from your shoulder.

"Sorry," You say again, laughing. You lean against his shoulder and he sighs. You reach up and stare at him happily. He smiles down at you and you reach up to kiss him. Hiro's eyes widen with shock and he places his right hand on the small of your back, the other overlapping yours on the umbrella. He kisses back, his eyes closing and head tilting to the side a little. You lift you arm up, placing your hand against his shoulder. The kiss lasts minutes, and you break away, breathless. Hiro grins and kisses you again, swiftly on the lips. "We can start walking back to the restaurant now."

Hiro frowns and drops the umbrella. You gasp, rain splattering against your face. "Guess we'll have to stay a little longer," He says with a smirk.

"Fine," you mutter, throwing your arms around his neck. He smiles and touches your waist, pulling you closer against him.

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