(80): New Years (With Wasabi!)

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New Years with Wasabi as requested. I know it's already the second, haha, but we can just pretend that it's the 31st. Totally sorry for the wait-- I've been busy. 
Enjoy. :)

The party was at Lucky Cat Cafe, all planned by Honey Lemon. She brought confetti to decorate the table, and fancy champagne glasses that held tea and coffee. All the boys wore a top hat that said in huge, glittery writing, '2015', and the girls each had (f/c) crowns that said, 'Happy New Year!'. Honey found it adorable. You found it adorable that Wasabi was freaking out about the confetti.

"Come on, Wasabi, it's for fun!" You say.

"Uh, this is not fun! It's a mess."

"Wasabi, why can't you just learn to have fun for once?"

"I can have fun," Wasabi insists. He crosses his arms.

Go Go scoops up some glitter and confetti off of the table and tosses it towards Wasabi. "Then woman up!"

Wasabi shoots up out of his chair and stumbles back, knocking you over. You fall on your side, your arm draped across his chest. Everyone laughs and then Cass says, "Thirty seconds!"

"Oh!" Honey gasps. "Everyone get ready!"

Everyone turns away, leaving you and Wasabi on the floor. You smile at him. "Um, I-I'm sorry."

"No, no, it was my fault. I'm sorry." Wasabi sits up. His hand falls on yours and the two of you look at each other.


Wasabi smiles. "Um, w-would you be my midnight kiss?"


You smile back. "Of course."

"Three! Two! One!" As everyone erupts in cheers, Wasabi touches your cheek and leans in. His lips touch yours softly, and his other hand strokes your hair. Honey Lemon looks over and sees. She gasps and takes a quick picture, squealing with delight.

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