(20): Say Something

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Requested by many others- a sad Hiro x Reader! Here you go! Enjoy!


"Whoa, there he is!" Hiro shouts, chasing down the masked villain into an abandoned factory.

"Hiro!" You shout, following him. You'd told him that this was crazy. You'd told him that he should wait for the others so you could go in a group. But still, Hiro ignored you. You agreed to go with him because what would you do if he was killed? Hiro's faster than you though, and soon enough you'd lost him. "Hiro?" You ask. "For crying out loud, Hiro, where are you?" Nothing. "Hiro, you're scaring me. This isn't funny! Hi-"

"___!" You hear him scream in fear from across the building. "___, go get help!"

"Hiro? Hiro!" Heart in your throat and stomach twisted in knots, you sprint towards the sound of his voice.

"You should've never tried to stop me, boy!" The villain shouts.

"Yokai," You gasp as you see Hiro wrestling with him. A knife is in Yokai's left hand, and he is trying to stab Hiro. "No!" Hiro's hands wrap around Yokai's wrist, keeping the knife away.

"___, go get the cops! Baymax! Something!" He shouts. "I'm okay, I've got this- whoa!" Yokai pushes him into the wall and holds the knife beside him, preparing to throw it at Hiro. Hiro gasps in fear and you don't have to think twice. You run at Hiro, shoving him away and onto the tiled floor. Your hands hit the wall for support as you feel something hit you. Yokai laughs and then runs away.

Hiro takes a deep breath, sitting on his hands and knees. "We've gotta... Go... Get him," He gasps, standing up. You don't respond. You stare at your stomach, where the knife is wedged into your skin. Your hands grip the blade and you blink tears away, your eyes meeting Hiro's huge brown ones as he looks at your wound.

"Hi-ro," You whisper brokenly before your legs give out. You fall to the side, and Hiro lunges forward to catch you. He pulls you into his arms and slides down the wall, shaking his head.

"No, no, no, no- ___, oh man, you're so stupid- I'm so stupid- you just-" He breaks off, sobs shaking his shoulders.

"I had to," You whisper.

"What?" He asks quietly.

"I had to save you," You whisper, giving him a small smile. "I love you."

"Don't do this to me, ___," Hiro says, closing his eyes. "I love you too. You didn't have to do this."

"Hiro, I-I had to," You whisper.

"What can I do?" He asks.

You reach up and touch his cheek. Tears fall down both yours and his face. "Nothing, it's okay." You lean your head up and kiss his lips, closing your eyes tightly. Hiro holds you closer and kisses back with force. He knows that this will be the first and last kiss you two will share. "It's okay."

"But- what am I going to do without you?" Hiro asks, pressing his forehead to yours.

"Just- live, okay? For Tadashi?" Hiro pulls away, looking at you in sadness. "For me?"

"Anything," he whispers. "Anything for you." You smile and lean your head back into his arms. Just like that, your heart stops beating and your eyes close. "No, no. ___, no don't go." He touches your cheek, your hair. "Please, don't!" He shouts frantically. "Don't! Say something! You're not gone, you're not! Say something, ___, don't do this!"

He lays your body on the ground and pulls his knees to his chest, burying his face in his arms. His cellphone buzzes, probably the others wanting to know where you and Hiro were. He ignores it. Hiro can drown everything out except for the pain. So he sits there until the tears run out and his throat is dry. And when that happens, he looks over at you.

"Say something," He whispers again. He knows that you won't answer. He closes his eyes and reaches for his phone.

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