(33): Missed You

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Hiro x Reader requested by ilovefanfic250. I apologize for the delayed posts; I've started to fall behind again which is seriously the last thing I need. But I've sadly been sick the last two days. . . So quite possibly you will be getting another story posted tomorrow (maybe even two, but don't hold me to it) so all is well. ^-^ Except for me. I don't feel well at all. But that shouldn't stop me from writing for you guys!
Anyways, enjoy! (Unedited).

"Hiro," You gasp, rushing into the garage where he stands at a desk with your five closest friends. "Please tell me that you saw Yokai out there too, destroying everything."

"Yeah," He says, eyes wide. "I did."

"And why haven't you stopped him yet?" You ask.

"He's stronger than before. I believe he upgraded the neural cranial transmitter that is in his mask. . . and that obviously causes the microbots to improve their skill. . ." He trails off, shaking his head. "We're gonna need more upgrades."

"More upgrades?" You ask, shocked.

Fred was leaping with excitement. "Ooh- Freddie's getting a bigger fire!"

Hiro nods, grabbing blueprints of yours and your friends' super suits. He begins pulling out tools. "Suit up, guys. The quicker we upgrade, the quicker we can finally beat this guy for good."

You hear the screech of a car, and people screaming loudly. You shake your head. "No, Hiro we have to go."

"No," He says.

"Hiro, we have to!"


"Hiro, people are getting killed out there!"

"No!" He says, turning to face you. "I cannot go out there without being sure that all of our armor is completely safe. If even one of us is killed, it's over." Hiro turns around.

"He's right," Honey Lemon says softly. Go Go nods. Wasabi sighs and Fred pats your shoulder.

You shake your head. No. This couldn't be right. Screams for help pierce through the air, making you shiver. You had to help them. It was only right. So you ran. Ran out of the door and into the menacing terrors of the city. Hiro calls your name, pleading for you to come back, but you are already too far into the mess to hear him.

"___! ___, no!" He screams, running after your. Baymax grabs Hiro, pulling him back.

"I have some concerns," He says.

"Let me go, Baymax. The concern is her possibly getting herself killed!"

"Hiro, you can't go out there!" Wasabi shouts nervously.

"I have to," He gasps. "She could be in-"

Suddenly your scream pierces through the air. The sound of a car crashing as it swerves off of the road immediately follows. "___!" Hiro runs out into the street, searching for you. "___?"

"Oh, I didn't see them!" A man shouts, panicked.

"How could you of? They fell of the building!" Another man says.

Hiro runs in the direction of the voices. Two men stand at the front of their car, one on the phone with 911 and the other checking something on the ground. Hiro walks around the car, thinking 'No. Not her. It's not her.' . . .but he knew that it was.

You and Yokai lay on the street, surrounded by debris. Hiro runs to your side, taking you in his arms. "No," He cries, shaking his head.

"Whoa, man, you know her?" The man asks.

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