(146): Missing Out

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Hiro x Reader that I thought of-- since everyone has been begging for more Hiro. ^-^

"___?" Hiro asks nervously. You pause the videogame you're playing with Hiro.


"Well, I know- I just- I, uh-"

You smile. "Are you going to ask about the dance, Hiro?"

"H-How did you know?"

"You've been acting awkward since they announced the dance at SFIT, Hiro."

"I have?" Hiro cringes.

You laugh. "Yeah. Seriously."

Hiro face palms. "Oh, man."

"It's okay, Hiro," You say. You hug him. "I'd love to go to the dance with you."

"You would?"

"Of course!"

"Great, okay." Hiro smiles. Your stomach flutters. Your crush on Hiro only grew more each day.


On the night of the dance, you're completely decked out in a floor length (f/c) gown and sparkling black (flats/heels). Your hair is twisted into an elegant bun. You wear your favorite jewelry.

Just as you're about to leave, Hiro calls.


"I, uh, can't go to the dance."

Your stomach drops. "Why not?"

He coughs. You hear Aunt Cass talking on the other end. "I've had a fever all day."

"Oh. Do you need anything?"

"No," He sighs. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," You assure him. "Everyone gets sick, Hiro."

"I just happen to get sick on this night," He grumbles.

You laugh. "Get better, Hiro."

"I'll try. Later."

"Bye." You hang up.

The dance wasn't as fun as is was supposed to be. You wished Hiro could've come. Later, you decide to bring Hiro a get-well-soon gift, with rented cheesy horror movies, a can of his favorite soup, a bag of cherry cough drops, and a six pack case of soda. You're still wearing your gown, you realize as soon as you arrive. You sigh and knock on the door.

"Yes?" Cass answers. "Oh, ___. What are you doing here?"

"I brought Hiro this," You say, holding up the pile of goodies.

"Oh, how sweet! Come in, come in." She shuts the door behind you. "You look beautiful!"

"Thanks, Cass."

Cass scoops up Mochi and pats your shoulder. "He's upstairs." She skips off to the sofa. You climb up the stairs and walk into Hiro's room.

"Hey," You greet.

Hiro glances over at you from his bed and his eyes widen. "What are you doing here?"

"Stopped by with some gifts." You sit on the side of the bed. He smiles as he takes the items from your hands.

"Thanks, ___," He says.

"Mmhm." You reach out and touch his forehead. "How're you feeling?"

"Okay." He shrugs. It's silent for a minute. "Um, you look beautiful."

"Thanks," You say. You blush a deep red.

"I'm really mad that I missed out on dancing with you."

"It's okay," You assure him. "Dance was lame, anyways."


You nod. "I wanted to go home the entire time. But I decided that a cheesy horror movie night was needed, instead."

"I agree. Can I be your date for the movie night?"

You laugh. "I wouldn't want anyone else to be."


For the next few hours, you spend the night with Hiro's arm around your waist and your head on his shoulder. He drifts off during the last movie, so you leave him with a kiss on the forehead and a (favorite_flower) from your corsage, thanking him for being your movie night date.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now