(148): Exhausted

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Just a short Tadashi x Reader (with a little 'Dashi baby!) that I just thought of. I'm not sure if any on you like this idea or not. I thought that we could all use some kawaii Tadashi as a parent. ^-^

You're sleeping peacefully. The comforting, soft snores from your husband, the sound of the fan blowing, the feeling of Tadashi's arm cradling you against him, they all leave you in a peaceful mood. Then, the sound of your baby crying screeches through the silence. No matter how many times you hear it, it's enough to send a piercing jab of pain in your heart. You didn't want to hear your baby upset.

You sigh and open your tired eyes. Tadashi barely opens his. "Want me to get (him/her)?" He mumbles. Probably still asleep.

"No," You say. "I've got it." You pull your stiff, sleepless body off of the bed and trudge to your baby's room that's just down the hall.

You pick up (baby_name) and hold (him/her to your chest. You hum a calming song and ease (him/her) to sleep. In just a few minutes, the baby's asleep. You kiss (baby_name)'s forehead. You carefully set (him/her) in the cradle.

When you turn around, you hit your hip on the doorway. "Ouch," You hiss quietly.

A beeping fills the hallway as Baymax inflates and walks to you. Tadashi put him in the spare bedroom that he also uses as an office. You're still programed as the number one patient from when you were pregnant.

"I heard a sound of distress," Baymax says. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"Shh!" You silence him. You point to the baby. Baymax understands. This has happened many times before. You add, "I'm just tired, Baymax."

"You should get at least eight hours of sleep a night, if you'd like to stay healthy."

"I know," You sigh, having heard this from Baymax a million times. "I have my baby to care for, though. But thanks. That's all. I am satisfied with my care." Baymax walks back to his luggage and deactivates.

Tadashi's snoring again when you climb back in bed. You curl up beside him and doze off.


A couple of hours later, your baby wakes you up again. This time, Tadashi is the one who gets up.

"It's my turn," He tells you. "Get some sleep, love. I know you've hardly had any." He kisses your cheek just before you fall under.

When you wake up after the sun shines through the pale curtains of your bedroom, the baby is crying again. You walk into the hallway and see Tadashi, leaning against the wall, exhausted, and a crying (baby_name) in his arms.

"What can I do, (baby_name)? I've tried everything to get you to calm down." Tadashi can hardly keep his eyes open.

You smile and take the baby from him. The baby stops crying immediately. It nuzzels it's face in your neck. "That's how you do it."

Tadashi sighs. "Our baby doesn't like me."

You laugh. "Yes, (he/she) does. We both love you, Tadashi."

Tadashi smiles and kisses you.

You realize something. "I got almost a full night's sleep. Did you take care of the baby all night? To let me sleep?"

Tadashi nods. "You were exhausted. Baymax said that you needed more sleep."

"You're so sweet, Tadashi." You reach up and kiss him softly. "Go get some sleep. You're exhausted."

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