(44): The Portal

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I've had a few requests for combat between Yokai and the reader and of course some of you want some of the portal involved in the one shot. . . so here you guys go. ^-^
This time, you can have the power of speed like Dash in the Incredibles. Switch it up a bit. :)
Enjoy! (Unedited).

The fight was getting more and more destructive. Yokai, who much to your surprise is Professor Callaghan, has managed to destroy Krei Tech and put the people of San Fransokyo in danger. The portals, now half destroyed in the battle between you, Hiro and Baymax, Honey Lemon, Go Go, Fred, and Wasabi, caused most of the destruction.

People were screaming. Running away from the flying debris and the angry villain who everyone was sure was dead, the city was in chaos.

"We've gotta stop this!" You shout at Hiro over the noise of the portal.

Hiro nods. "C'mon, guys." Everyone runs in different directions. "Honey, Go Go! Get the people to safety! Wasabi, Fred! Try to stop the portal!"

"Got it!" Honey says, running off. Go Go chases after her.

"___, you're gonna help Baymax and I get Callaghan away from Krei."

"Sounds like a plan," You say. "I'll meet you there."

"Be careful!" He shouts after you as you sprint to Callaghan.

Callaghan had Krei lifted into the air by his throat. Krei was choking, swatting his arms out, looking for support. "Callaghan!" You scream. He glances over at you, anger buring in his eyes. "Don't do this."

"He stole my daughter from me! My Abigail! Now he will pay. I will steal his life, his career, his future-"

"Don't think so!" You say, sprinting into him. He flies out, the two of you hitting the pavement. You sit up, realizing how close you are to the portal. Callaghan stands and throws a punch, which you dodge and deliver a swift kick to his stomach. He groans and stumbles back. You launch on him, pressing down on his shoulders until he falls down, you on top of him. You grab his head and slam it hard into the concrete, making him go unconscious.

"___! C'mon, we're leaving!" Hiro screams. Leaving? Okay. . . "The portals aren't stable!" He explains. "They're going to destroy everything soon." That makes sense. You stand up and take a step towards Hiro. Suddenly, a hand grabs your leg. Callaghan.

"Get off me!" You scream, kicking out. He trips you and scrambles up quickly. In one quick movement he lifts you off the ground and holds you against him. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

"This is for ruining my plans, Hamada!" He shouts, and Hiro's eyes widen.

"No!" He shouts, running forward. You scream as Callaghan throws you into the portal. He runs off. "___!" Hiro turns to Baymax. "We've got to save her."

Baymax scans the portal. "I detect signs of life. She is okay."

"Good, then let's go!" Hiro says, climbing on Baymax. Baymax flies into the portal, which was much more colorful than you'd  ever predicted. You stare in awe at the bright colors, the dark purples and blue, the bright greens and yellows and soft pinks.

"___!" Hiro shouts, and you turn around. Something was pulling you deeper.

"Hiro!" You shout, reaching out your hand.

"___, hang on. We'll get you out of here." Hiro eases Baymax forward, helping him dodge the pieces of building and chunks of concrete. Finally he nears you, and reaches out his hand. You grasp it tightly, and Hiro tugs you up on Baymax. You wrap your arms around his neck, breathing heavily. "I'm sorry, ___. I put you in danger. I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize," You say. "I loved kicking his butt." Hiro laughs and pulls away. He stares at you, and you start to feel blushy. "What?" You ask.

"I-I- nothing."

"No, tell me Hiro. What is it?"

Hiro takes a deep breath. "I don't think I can say it."

You frown and he sighs. "Okay. Then let me." He stares at you, confused. You place your hands on his chest and slowly lean in. As your parted lips meet his, he slowly touches the small of your back. He moves his lips in synch with yours as Baymax flies the three of you safely out of the portal.

--Surprise happy ending! I wasn't in the mood for a sadder one shot today; and a whole bunch of you asked for a happy ending. ^-^

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