(134): Protective (Fred)

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Protective Fred x Reader because everyone needs a little of this in their lives. This is basically the same as the chapter 'Protective (Tadashi)', just with some Freddie instead of Tadashi.  There's been a lot of Fred lately; I'll make some of the other characters later. I'm just seriously in a Fred mood. ^-^

After school, Fred walks you home. He holds your hand, chatting happily with you. Everything was almost perfect-- the few things that weren't perfect were unavoidable. One: It was dark. Two: The only way to your house was to cut through a bad neighborhood. And Three: You had to walk through the neighborhood.

"You really don't have to walk me home, Freddie," You say.

"No. I want to make sure that you get home safely." He leans over and kisses your head.

You smile at him and lay your head against his bony shoulder. "Well, this neighborhood is seriously frightening."

"Why?" Fred asks with a laugh.

"Um, have you paid attention at all? There have been several robberies in just the last couple of weeks, just on this road."

"We'll be okay. I promise." Fred rolls his eyes at you.

"It's not funny, Fred."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

You glare at him. "No, you're not."

"Okay," He laughs. "I'm not."

You shake your head. "Well-" Other voices cut you off. You shut your mouth.

Three guys stumble down the sidewalk just across the street. Fred keeps his head facing forward, but glances at them every now and then. They were walking closer.

"Look!" One of them shouts. Your heart drops. Please go away, please go away.

"Hey!" Another shouts. "Wait up!" You hear their footsteps thunder across the street. The sprint towards you.

"Run," Fred whispers. He shoves you forward. "Run!"

You break into a sprint, leaving Fred behind. You hear the other guys shouting, chasing you.

"Left!" Fred shouts directions. "Right! Right! Straight ahead! Left! Right!"

You end up at a dead end.

Fred looks around. "Crap!" He says breathlessly.

The three guys catch up. "There you guys are!" They stumble forward. "You almost lost us."

"W-What do you want?" Fred asks.

"Just give us everything you have," The tallest man says. He pulls out a small knife. "And no one gets hurt."

"O-Okay, okay." Fred takes out his wallet. "Here. That's all I have. Seriously."

The man observes the money. He looks up. "What about her?" He jerks his chin towards you.

"I-I don't have anything," You say in a small voice.

"Are you sure?" The man asks. You nod. "I don't believe you."

"I-I swear!"

The man nods. "Check her."

The two guys step forward and grab your arms. They pull you away. "No. Stop! Leave her alone!" Fred objects. One of the men throw you against the wall. His hands touch your waist. You close your eyes. "Stop it! She doesn't have anything!" The man's hands slide up a little. You whimper.

Fred has never felt so helpless. "Please. Stop. I-I have money back at my mansion. You can have all of it-- just let her go."

The men laugh. "Mansion, huh? A kid like you lives in a mansion? Doubt it."


They laugh again. The tallest man holds his knife to your neck. "How about I just end it now? To avoid all the trouble?"

"Don't," He chokes out. You manage to open your eyes a little. "Kill me if you want. Just don't touch her."

The men laugh and shove you down. You land with a hard thud! Your hands automatically go to your neck, making sure there's no blood. The guys start punching Fred. You're panicking. You pull out your phone and dial 911.

"Please, please help. My boyfriend and I- We're-" You cut off. Fred grabs a piece of scrap metal that sits beside trash cans. It's almost square shaped. You watch in shock as Fred spins it in front of him, holding the guys back. It won't work for long.

"Hey! She's callin' the cops!"

"Go. Get out of here!"

They take off.
"What is your location?" The voice on the phone repeats. You manage to tell them.

"T-They ran off," You whisper. Then, you hang up. The ambulance will find you.

Fred lays on the ground, his face bruised and bloody. His eyes are closed. You were right; Fred's makeshift sign and shield didn't work long.

"Fred," You say, crawling next to him. "Fred, please. Wake up." He stays silent. You start crying. You set your hand on his stomach, watching it rise and fall with every breath.

The police come, as does the ambulance. They take Fred away. They promise you that he'll be alright. You don't find any comfort in this. You just wanted to see him.


That next day, they let you visit Fred. He's propped up on his hospital bed, cloth wrapped around his head. He just has a minor concussion, they tell you.

"Hi, Freddie," You say quietly as you enter.

He looks over at you. "___!"

You walk over and wrap your arms around him. "How are you feeling?"

"Great. Now that I can see you, at least."

You blush and pull away. "Thank you, Freddie."

"For what?"

"Saving my life, silly!" You kiss his cheek. "Guess being a mascot pays off, huh?"

"Yeah," Fred laughs. "Not really. Still wound up here."

"You'll be out of here soon. Hey, this gives you a better excuse for laying around and reading comic books."

"Well, at least I have that," Fred mumbles. You laugh. Fred smiles just at the sound of it. "I love you."

"I love you, too," You reply softly. Fred leans in and kisses you. His hands touch your cheeks, cradling your face gently. You touch his shoulder, afraid to hurt him. You pull away. "Get some rest, Freddie. I'll sit here until you're released."

Fred lays back against his pillows and closes his eyes. Just before he falls under, he mumbles, "Can you do me a favor, ___?"


"Call Heathecliffe and ask if he can pick us up in the family chopper. I want to leave this place in style."

You laugh and kiss his forehead. "Sure thing, Freddie."

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