(17): Shadow

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Requested by toothless4ever. In this, you're Hiro's sister, around the same age. I hope you enjoy! (Unedited).

It wasn't fair. Ever since you were born, Hiro has always been better than you were at something. Better at school, better at making friends, even better at making Cass happy. You loved Hiro, of course. He was your best friend. And Cass adored you. So you stayed close to Hiro.

"Hey, ___," Hiro says as you walk in the bedroom.

"Hey," You say.

"Get ready, we're leaving." He walks out of the room.

"Leaving where?" You ask.

"Another competition!" He says.

You sigh. Maybe this one won't be so bad.


"Yes!" Hiro says, walking up to the stage to collect his awards. He gathers them and steps up to the microphone.

"Go Hiro!" you shout, clapping.

Hiro smiles down at you. "I'd like to thank my sister, ___. Couldn't do anything with you, sis!"

You blush and shake your head. That's not true. He's Hiro, he can do anything. He doesn't need you. You push the thoughts away and smile. Hiro jumps off the stage and hugs you tightly. You hug back. "Good job, bro."

Hiro laughs. "Yes! That's my nephew! Another win for Hiro! Let's go celebrate with dinner at the cafe!" Cass says, pulling Hiro into a hug and walking towards the doors. Hiro's friends all gather around him, pushing you out of the way.

No one even notices when you leave the dinner table early.


Months pass. Hiro no longer becomes your best friend. His life became obsessed with upgrading Baymax, winning awards, hanging out with his other friends. Your life consisted of reading and laying around.

One day, Cass walks upstairs. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?"

"Hm? Oh, not much." You flip the page of your book.

"Hiro's going to the movies today. Why don't you join him?"

"I don't feel like it today," You say with a sigh.


"I'm really tired, Cass. I think I'll sleep." You put your book on the nightstand and lay down.

"Oh sweetie," She whispers, leaning down to kiss your head. "I don't know what's caused you to grow distant from us, but just know that Tadashi would never want to see you like this." She gives you a sad smile and strokes your hair before walking out, turning off the light.

You turn on your side. A picture of you, Hiro, and Tadashi taken months before his death sits on the nightstand. You don't even give yourself permission to cry before the tears are already streaming. The clock  reads 9:35 p.m. when your eyes begin to close.


"___?" A whisper says, breaking you from your dream.

"What?" You mumble, sitting up. Hiro sits at the foot of your bed. "What are you doing?"

"I just got home. I need to know why you've been avoiding me."

"I haven't," You say, keeping your face emotionless.

"Yes. Yes you have. Why? Did I do something?" He asks. You shake your head. "Then why? Did I say something, do something?" You shake your head again. "Then what?" You begin to cry. Months of showing no emotion around others and you cry. Hiro looks at you with shock and worry. "___? ___, w-what is it?" He pulls at your arms until you sit in his lap.

"I can't keep pretending to be okay. Y-you are everything. Smart, funny... You have talents, Hiro. I-I have... Nothing." You sigh and duck your head.

"Not true," He says. "You're brave, like Tadashi. Funny, like Cass... Awesome, like me of course." You laugh and Hiro smiles. "There it is."

"There what is?"

"The smile I missed." Hiro kisses the top of your head and you wrap your arms around him.

"I love you," you say.

"Love you too, sis," He whispers.

You smiled.


After that, everything was perfect. You had friends, your family, and Hiro. Your brother, your best friend. And you were happy.

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