(68): Don't Change For Me

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Fred x Reader-- Something I thought of randomly. Pretty much inspired by the songs Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg and Turning Page by Sleeping At Last as a very exhausted author tries to fall asleep while listening to music. ^-^
I'm very in love with Fred, if you couldn't tell already.
Enjoy! (Unedited).

Fred liked you. He liked you a lot. You liked him back, but he didn't know. He was sure that you liked Tadashi. Tadashi was smart, an inventor, and he was kind and sophisticated. Fred was, well, Fred. He was weird, annoying, nerdy, and as Go Go would say, a "nitwit".  There was no way you could like him.

But you did. You loved him, really. His dorky behavior was just adorable. The way he got excited over little things, like comic books and food, was just simply perfect.

Fred thought that was the complete opposite. On the day he built up enough courage to ask you out on a date, he decided to change his behavior.

"Um, ___?" He tapped on your shoulder as you examined Tadashi's work at SFIT. He noticed, embarrassingly, that he was still wearing his mascot costume.

You turn around, smiling the smile that Fred falls for everytime he sees. "Yes, Freddie?" You ask.

"Um, well, I-I was wondering- if, maybe- you'd- um, go- uh, go out on a date with me? This- this Friday?" He manages to get out.

You grin. "Totally, Freddie!"

"R-really? Okay, great. I'll pick you up at five, okay?"



On Friday night, at exactly four forty five, you stand in front of your mirror. You decide to wear a knee length (f/c) dress and black flats. A thick black headband holds your (h/l) (h/c) down. You smile at your reflection, butterflies filling your stomach. You were going on a date with Fred!

The doorbell rings. "Oh! Coming!" You call out, running to the door. You pull it open, revealing a nicely dressed Fred. His eyes widen at the sight of you.

"Y-you look amazing," He says.

You blush and look down, biting your lip. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Shall we go, then?" Fred holds an arm out, and you smile. You hook your arm with his.

"We shall," You say. It's a warm evening, and the sun set is a soft pink. You walk down the streets of San Fransokyo until reaching a small cafe, even smaller than Cass's.

"Um," Fred says, trying to make conversation as the cafe comes into view. "This weather is absolutely. . . wonderful?"

You giggle and cover your mouth. "Yes," You agree.

Fred sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to be . . . normal for once."

"Normal?" you ask, but Fred just holds the door of the cafe open. You walk in and he follows. The two of you sit beside the window, and you gaze outside at the pink sky. Fred watches you. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You ask with a smile.

"You're just. . . beautiful," He says. You blush.

"Freddie, what do you mean by 'normal'?" You ask.

"Oh. Well, I know that there's no way I'm considered. . . well, like Tadashi. Tadashi is what everyone wants, right? I want to be good enough for you."

"Freddie," You say, reaching across the table for his hand. "I love you the way you are. Don't change."

"You love me?" He asks.

"I love you. Your obsession with comic books, your love of free food and science and kaiju. . . Freddie, I am in love with you." 

He smiles and leans closer, tucking a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. "I love you so much, ___."

You smile and lean in. He leans in too, his half closed eyes on your closed ones. He smiles at the soft blush on your cheeks and brings his hands behind your neck, softly guiding your lips to his. The kiss is short and sweet, but still leaves you breathless. "Freddie?" You ask.


"How about, after this, we go to a comic book shop," You suggest.

Fred laughs. "You just made Freddie so happy."

You grin. "That's the Fred I love."

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