(3): Fall

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Hiro x Reader requested by MrsHorrendousHaddock, (the Wreck-it to my Ralph and the Fix-it to my Felix. I wrote you a very dorky and cheesy fanfiction-- I even made you a special shout out, you froot loop dingus. ^-^ ESSAYS!!!)

Unedited. Enjoy, c:

You walk down the streets of San Fransokyo, not paying much attention to the sidewalk ahead of you. You were looking over the sketches of your hopefully soon to be robot that would be your ticket into SFIT. All you had to do was invent something so amazing the professors at the institute would take you in immediately. The stress had been giving you a headache so you took a break and decided to go for a walk.

Meanwhile, a boy runs down the sidewalk. He turns a corner and screams, "Baymax!" as his robot has wandered off. He doesn't stop in time as he quickly approaches you. He runs into you hard, causing your papers to fly and you to fall back. Hiro falls on his knees and begins stacking your papers into a messy pile. "Oh man, I'm so sorry-" He stops when he looks at you. He blushes and opens his mouth to speak, but can't find anymore words.

"It's fine," You say with a smile. You hold your hand out for the stack of papers in his hands. "Uh, can I have those back?"

"Huh?" He asks, blinking. "Oh. These. Yeah, sorry. I just-" He pauses, looking at the drawings. "Whoa, did you draw these?"

"Yeah, I did. I'm an inventor." You look down shyly, taking the papers from him.

"That's awesome," He smiles. "I am too. I'm Hiro."

"___," You say with a smile.

"Speaking of inventing, I still haven't found my robot." Hiro stands, holding a hand out to you to help you up. You take it and look up at Hiro.

"Your robot?" You ask. He nods. "Can I help you find him?"

"Yeah, if you want," Hiro blushes and shrugs, walking off and gesturing you to follow. "Baymax!" He calls. He looks back to you. "His name's Baymax."

"Okay," You say. "Baymax!" You call.

Hiro smiles and looks around. Suddenly, he runs right into a huge white robot that stands unmoving in the crowd. "Baymax!" He says with a grin. "There you are. Where'd you go?"

"There was a lonely butterfly," He says. Hiro sighs and shakes his head and you laugh.

"Oh, Baymax, this is ___," Hiro says, taking your hand and pulling you forward.

"Hello, Baymax," You say, waving.

"Hello. I am Baymax, Hiro's personal healthcare companion. Do you require treatment for injuries or illness?" He asks.

"Oh, n-no. I don't think so, thanks though."

"My battery is getting low," He says.

"Oh. Okay, buddy, let's get you charged then," He says and pats Baymax's stomach. "We were just heading to SFIT. You wouldn't mind coming down to my lab, would you?"

"You go there?" You gasp. Hiro nods. "I'm actually trying to get in there now. I'd love to see your lab."

"I hope you get in. Let's go then."


"Usually the other guys are here, but not today. Looks like it's just us," Hiro says as you look around his lab.

"That's cool," You say, looking at all of the tools Hiro has above his long, clustered desk. "So, what do you invent?"

"You should ask what haven't I invented. I've made microbots, different fighting robots, even six super suits," He says proudly.

"Six super suits?" You ask, eyes widening. "So you're a super hero."

"I guess," He says.

"That's awesome." You turn away and observe the papers on his desk. 

"Wanna see my fighting bot move?" Hiro asks, jumping up and grabbing a small robot from the shelf. He stands beside you and grabs a remote, flipping switches. The robot begins moving, running around in circles. It hits the side of the desk and papers fly everywhere. "Oops," Hiro says, wincing. You laugh and walk forward to find the robot in the mess of papers. He follows as you and the two of you kneel down, looking for the robot. "Found it." Hiro stands and you do too, only you slip on a piece of paper and fall back.

"Whoa!" You say, arms flailing.

Hiro drops the robot and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you up. "Whoa," He smiles and blushes. "You okay?"

Your (e/c) eyes stare up at his huge brown ones. "Fine," You whisper, wrapping your arms around his neck. He laughs breathlessly and both of you find yourself leaning in. His lips touch your softly and you close your eyes. Hiro's grip on your waist tightens and you tangle your fingers in his messy, black hair.

When he finally pulls away he helps you stand up straight and you laugh. Hiro scratches the back of his head and looks down at the robot. It's broken into two pieces. He picks them up and frowns.

"I, uh, I'll help you fix that," You say.

"Alright," He says. He takes your hand and leads you to another desk, making sure you won't fall again.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now