(29): Satisfied With My Care

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Sad Hiro x Reader-- Requested by like, five of you readers. Haha. So here it is.
This is basically the end of the movie.
Don't read on if you haven't seen Big Hero 6 and/or don't know what happens.
Another warning-- pretty darn sad stuff here. I cried while writing this, just so you know.
Anyways-- Enjoy. (Unedited).

With damaged armor and suits and tired faces, you stand with your six friends in front of the portal. The portal Krei invented, the portal Abigail was stuck in.

"We have to go in there," Hiro says.

"Hiro!" You say, gasping and stumbling forward to grab his arm. "Y-you can't."

"We have to. Abigail is in there. Baymax won't let her die, and neither will I." Hiro scrambles up on the back of Baymax. "C'mon, buddy."

"Hiro, then let me go with you." You reach out for his hand.

"No, ___. I can't let you get hurt."

"Hiro, if you leave then I will jump in after you."

Hiro sighs. He couldn't leave you here, he couldn't let you get hurt. He reaches for your hand and gives you a small smile. "Okay."

You take his hand and let him pull you up, gripping onto his purple armor tightly. Baymax launches into the portal, and you take a deep breath. There was no turning back now.

Inside the portal, colors were everywhere. It was bright and still eerie. "I have located the patient," Baymax says. He flies towards the pod and grips it. Hiro wipes the window and the two of you look inside. Abigail Callaghan sits, unmoving, with her eyes shut tightly.

Hiro looks over at you and you look at him. "We have to get her out of here."

You nod in agreement. "We can do it."

Hiro smiles at you before patting Baymax's shoulder. "Alright, buddy. Let's get out of here before anything else happens."

You hold on to Hiro and he grabs onto the side of the pod. Baymax flies to the other side and pushes it towards the exit. "So far so good," You say.

Suddenly, a piece of debris flies through and knocks Baymax off track.

"Baymax!" Hiro screams, and the two of you peer over the side and towards your robot friend. His armor, in pieces everywhere. No.

"My thrusters are inoperable," He says. "I still have enough power to get the three of you out of here."

"N-no! What about you?" Hiro cries.

"You are my patient. Your health is my only concern."

"No!" Hiro shouts. "There's got to be another way. I'm not going to leave you here. We'll think of something."

"Hiro," You whisper.

"There's no time," Baymax finishes.

"Please, no, I lost Tadashi. I can't lose you, too." Baymax touches Hiro's chest. "Tadashi is not gone. Tadashi is here. I am here. I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with my care."

Hiro shakes his head and tears fall down your cheeks.

"Are you satisfied with your care?" Baymax asks Hiro.

"We have to, Hiro," you whisper.

Hiro shuts his eyes. "I-I am s-satis-" He breaks off, choking on a sob.

You reach over and touch Baymax's hand. Voice strained over your own tears, you say, "We are satisfied with our care."

And just like that, Baymax deactivates and is left behind. Hiro screams his name as the last of Baymax, his rocket fist, pushes you out of the portal. You shut your eyes.

"Hiro! ___!" Outside of the portal, you lay on the pavement. Your group of friends run to your side. "Baymax?" Wasabi asks.

You sit up and look over at Hiro, who holds onto Baymax's rocket fist. "No," You whisper. "He's gone."


The next morning, you help Hiro move his last box into his new lab in SFIT. Tadashi's old lab. "There we go, college boy."

Hiro laughs. "Thanks."

You throw your arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I'm proud of you. So proud. You're my hero." Hiro hugs you back. "Tadashi is proud too. And Baymax."  Hiro releases you and you look up at him.

"You know, you're really the best. I love you." He leans down to kiss you and you smile. His hands find yours and you pull away, your smile growing.

"Thanks, nerd."

Hiro laughs and releases your hands, walking over to Baymax's rocket fist. He lifts it and places it on his shelf beside the window. You smile and turn around to open one of his boxes.

Suddenly you hear, "H-hey, ___?"

"Hm?" You ask, turning around. Hiro stands, facing you with something in his hands. "What is it?"

Hiro holds it out to you worldessly. You gasp. Baymax's health care chip. "H-Hiro."

"We can bring him back," He says. You throw your arms around him and kiss him quickly.

"Let's get to work!" You say, excited that you'll be able to see Baymax again. You pull away but Hiro grabs your wrist.

"Wait," He says. "Last hug." He hugs you tighter and then smiles.

"Last kiss," You add, pressing your lips to his.

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