(189): Family Day

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Tadashi x Reader (with bonus 'Dashi babies!) since I've been getting a lot of requests for these kinds of one shots.

Again, pretend that you're older. You're obviously married to Tadashi. In this, you have a son and a daughter.


You're sleeping soundly, your husband's arms wrapped around you. A noise coming from the hallway wakes you up a little. You can feel the sunlight from the window warming your face, but you don't want to get up. You're too comfortable. Tadashi's quiet snores are your lullaby as you fall back asleep.

Then, you hear, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

You open your eyes to see your four year old daughter climbing up onto the bed. "Hey, sweetie. How long have you been up?" You rub your eyes.

"A little while. (Son's_Name) is up, too. He wants out of his bed, Mommy." Your son is not yet one, yet.

"We'll get him," Tadashi says with a yawn. He stretches and then sits up. He keeps an arm around your waist. "What are you doing up so early, (Daughter_Name)?"

"Daddy!" She laughs, jumping on Tadashi's lap. "It's family day!"

"It is?"

She nods.

"Well, that stinks! I didn't plan anything!"

"Daddy, you're kidding. We've got lots and lots and lots of plans today!"

"Alright, alright. We do. You'd better get ready so we can leave!" Tadashi kisses his daughter's forehead.

"Okay!" Your daughter takes your hand. "Come on, Mommy! Let's get ready!"

"Okay," You laugh.


After everyone is ready, your family of four drives to the first stop. A toy store. You and Tadashi let (Daughter_Name) and (Son_Name) pick out a toy each. You go see a movie and then leave to go to a park.

At the park, you guide your daughter up steps and ladders and down slides while Tadashi pushes (Son_Name) on a swing. Eventually, everyone goes to the swings. You hold Tadashi's hand while pushing your son's swing.

"Hey, guys. Look who's here." Tadashi points to the parking lot, where Aunt Cass and Hiro walk towards the picnic tables, fast food in hand.

"Auntie Cass!" (Daughter_Name) shouts. "Get me out, out, out, Daddy!" Tadashi lifts her out of the swing. She sprints to Cass and Hiro. "Auntie Cass! Uncle Hiro!"

"Hey, sweetie!" Cass exclaims.

You carry your son to Cass and Hiro.

Hiro smiles at him. "Hey, kid. What's up?"

"Hiro!" He shouts, clapping. Hiro sets the food down on the picnic table and then takes him. He walks off, talking to the baby.

"Okay! Who wants a milkshake?" Cass asks.

Your daughter claps wildly. "Me! Me! Me!"

"What flavor is your favorite, again?"

"Strawberry!" She squeals. Cass hands her the milkshake and kids meal. As your kids eat, you take a walk with Tadashi.

The sun is just beginning to set when the two of you begin walking. Tadashi looks down at you, smiling softly.

"I love you," He says.

"Aw. I love you, too," You say. You reach up to kiss him. "And this was a wonderful family day."

"I was thinking that we could go on a date next," Tadashi says.


"Yeah. Drop the kids off with Cass and Hiro. They'll have a blast and we'll have a whole romantic day to ourselves."

"Sounds wonderful." You reach up and kiss Tadashi again. "We'd better go back with the family."

Back at the picnic table, your daughter runs and jumps around. Bubbles are floating around the air. "Mommy, Mommy! Look! Aunt Cass brought bubbles!"

"Robot!" Your son says, holding up Hiro's fighting bot.

You grin. "Wow! Tell Aunt Cass thank you!"

"Thank you," Your kids say.

You smile and hug Tadashi.


You don't leave the park until it's dark. By the time you're halfway home, both kids are asleep, cradling their new toys. You carry your son in, Tadashi carries your daughter. After putting them to bed, you fall onto your own bed. You're completely exhausted.

"So. Tired." You yawn.

"Me. Too." Tadashi jumps on his side of the bed and closes his eyes. You lean forward and kiss him. Tadashi smiles.

"Night. I love you," You say.

Tadashi wraps an arm around your waist and kisses your forehead. "I love you so much, ___. Goodnight."

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