(87): Microbots

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Hiro x Reader requested by skrewnormality. Enjoy. (Unedited).

"___, you're my closest friend, you know?" Hiro asks as the two of you walk back from a bot fight,

"I know," You say.

"And-- we understand each other, right?"

"Hiro, what's this about?"

"Well, yesterday, Tadashi took me to his lab, and I decided that I want to go to his school."

"You're going to go to nerd school?!" You gasp.

"I'm going to try to get in," He says.

"That's a surprise. Well, I'm proud of you. I guess that's less time for us to hang out together, then." You frown.

"Guess so," Hiro whispers. "Hey, what if you tried out with me?"

"Really? Me?"

"Yeah, you!" Hiro says, hitting your arm playfully. "You're my best friend! All we have to do is come up with something that will blow Professor Callaghan's mind. Any ideas?"

"I've got a few," You say.


Weeks later, you and Hiro are prepared to present with trash cans full of your invention. Just before the showcase, you met Tadashi's friends. They were seriously cool. They welcomed you into their group eagerly. Honey Lemon even took you and Hiro into a group selfie, saying, "Everyone say, 'Hiro and ___'!"

Just before showtime, Tadashi wishes the two of you luck. Nervously, the two of you walk onto the stage.

"Um," Hiro begins. "I-I'm Hiro Hamada- and this is-" He stops, his eyes of pure fear. He glances over at you.

"Breathe," You mouth.

Hiro nods and takes a deep breath. "Right. Sorry. Um, I'm Hiro Hamada, and this is ___ ___. We have something to show you that we think is pretty cool."

Hiro goes on explaining everything, and you throw in different information he forgets to mention. When he tries out the microbots, everyone watches in amazement. Hiro takes your hand and leads you up a path of microbots. He walks through the crowd on legs made of microbots, holding you behind him.

When the two of you are trying out the construction, Hiro demonstrates the falling of microbots. Your stomach drops as the surface disappears beneath you, and you throw your arms around Hiro's torso. Hiro smirks.

The two of you walk to the front of the stage and bow. The crowd cheers. Hiro takes your hand and runs off the stage. Alone, he places his hands on your waist and lifts you. You grab his shoulders as he spins you. "We totally killed it!" Hiro says. You laugh. Hiro sits you down and hugs you. "Thank you. For helping me out there."

"No problem," You say.

"You're my favorite person ever, you know."

"Whatever." You blush.

"You seriously are. I love you, ___." He kisses you. "Now, let's go see if we won over Professor Callaghan."

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now