(130): Taken (Part Two)

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Part two of Taken! Sorry it took so long. Enjoy! (Unedited).

Hiro's eyes force themselves open in a panic. His eyes dart around as he sits up. He's laying on Baymax's stomach. He pries himself from Baymax's supporting arms.

"Hiro, Hiro!" Honey Lemon shouts. She runs up to him. Her hands grab his shoulders. "What happened?"

The air is grey with dust. Hiro's head pounds. "Yokai. . . He. . ." Suddenly, it all rushes to him. "___! He took ___!"

Go Go, Fred, and Wasabi come into view. "He what?" Fred asks.

"He took her! We have to get her back!"

Fred takes off the top part of his kaiju suit and nods. "Then we'll need a plan."

"A new plan?" Honey asks. Fred nods. "Why?"

"This story has gone from a revenge story to a - a, uh, double revenge story!"

Hiro re-adjusts his armor. "Then let's come up with a plan to get her back."


"Stop!" You scream as Yokai ties you to a wooden chair. He dragged you down to the basement of an abandoned warehouse, ignoring your pleads and screams. "You don't have to do this!"

Yokai tightens the knots of the ropes that tie your hands together behind your back. You wince. Yokai walks up the rickety stairs and slams the door. You're concealed in total black.

You can't tell if you're eyes are closed or open. You start crying, your terror for your safety and for Hiro's. You duck your head, trying to find the strength to move on.

All you find are more tears.


Three days later, Hiro paces back and forth in the garage. His eyes are bruised from lack of sleep. His stomach growls from lack of food. Cass walks in. "Morning, sweetie. You're up early. How long've you been up?"

"A while," Hiro mutters. He gnaws on a dull pencil. He's searched everywhere. Where could you be?

Cass looks at his pale face. "Goodness, Hiro! Have you been to sleep at all?" He ignores her. "Well, I brought you breakfast." She sets a plate of bacon and eggs down on his desk.

"Thanks," Hiro says.

"Sweetie, you can't keep going like this." Cass sighs. "Take a break, Hiro. She's okay, I'm-"

Hiro glares at Cass. "She's okay? Okay? Really? He took her. He took her, and she could be hurt, o-or-" Hiro's voice breaks into a whisper. "killed."

He starts crying silently. Cass pulls him into a hug. Hiro cries into her shoulder.

After a few minutes, he asks, "Can I be alone, please?"

"Sure, honey. I love you." She kisses his forehead before leaving.

Hiro turns to the luggage where Baymax stays. "Baymax," He whimpers.

Baymax rises. Automatically, he wrap Hiro into a hug. "I will scan you for injuries."

"No, Baymax." Suddenly, Hiro gets an idea. "H-Have you scanned ___ before?"

Baymax searches in his database. "Yes."

"C-Can you locate her?"



It's still dark. How long have you been here? You haven't seen the light in hours, except for that brief minute earlier, in which the masked villain brought you a small meal.

He didn't want you dead, apparently. You guess that he's just using you as bait. You chew on your lip nervously.

It'd been quiet for a while now; footsteps that suddenly pound on the floor above you make you jump. You hear voices. Your friends!

"Guys!" You scream as loud as you can. "I'm here! I'm here!"

"___!" Hiro screams. "I'm-"

"Whoa- Look out!"

With a loud crack, the ceiling caves in. You shut your eyes tight at the light floods in. The debris falls around you. Miraculously, you remain in your spot, unhurt. Baymax slowly pushes a large piece of flooring off of him. Your friends scramble out from under him.

Hiro runs to you. "Are you okay? Oh, man, I'm sorry. He didn't hurt you, did he? You're okay, right?"

"If you'd give me time to answer, then I'd tell you that I'm okay." You smile up at Hiro. He smiles back at you.

"Here, I'll untie you." Hiro loosens the ropes on your wrists. You rub your wrists and rise out of the chair. Your legs are weak. Hiro supports you. "We should get out of here."

"Um, Hiro!" Honey Lemon shouts. Wasabi screams in terror as Yokai lands in the debris with a thud. Hiro hooks his arm around your waist and pushes you behind him.

The fight breaks out immediately. Yokai disappears with Hiro in a cloud of microbots that rise to the floor above. "Hiro!" You shout. The team follows. You watch from the ground, guarded by Baymax.

A few minutes later, you watch as Yokai disappears through a hole in the ceiling. Hiro limps towards you. He makes it three steps before collapsing onto his knees. You run to his side, holding up his shoulders. "Hiro? How bad are you hurt?"

"I'm just fine," Hiro assures you. "You didn't get hurt, did you?"

"No. I'm fine." You hug him. "Thank you for saving me."

"I've been worrying like crazy. I thought- that, if- if you got hurt, then I'd just- feel so lost. I was so scared. I had no idea I could feel that terrified for so long." He leans in, his eyes on your lips. "I love you." Then, just like that, the two of you kiss. You relax in his arms, holding him close.

The team stands there awkwardly.

"Um. . . should we. . . move away?" Go Go asks.

Fred shrugs. Honey Lemon snaps a picture of the two of you.

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