(176): All Of The Stars

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Sad Tadashi x Reader I thought of-- my copy of Big Hero 6 arrived and I've been watching it nonstop, so the Tadashi feels are hitting hard again. Obviously inspired by All Of The Stars by Ed Sheeran (and TFIOS because that's one of my favorite books) because he's like, my favorite person.

Sorry for the feels.


You lay in the backyard, gazing up at the night sky. The stars sparkle silver across the stretch of black. Clutched to your chest is a letter that Tadashi wrote before he was torn from you. You hadn't opened it yet. You couldn't find the courage to.

Basically, Tadashi had typed something out on his computer for you. He printed it and left it on his desk. His original plans were to give you the letter on your one year anniversary.

He never had the chance. Four months earlier, Tadashi ran into a burning building to save his professor, his hero, his role model. You watched him run in. You begged him not to go. He never came out.

Hiro found the letter when he was moving into Tadashi's old lab. He gave it to Cass, who gave it to you. Should you open it? If it was originally meant for your anniversary. . . would Tadashi mind if you opened it early?

You unfold the paper. You pause and gaze up at the stars. "Hope you, um, don't mind," You mumble. You begin reading.

My brilliant, beautiful, wonderful ___,

It's our first anniversary! I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me. I have so much planned for today-- I'm actually writing this pretty early. I just want everything to be perfect for you. You deserve it, since you've been putting up with me for a year now.
You give me so much, ___. Support, love, happiness. I couldn't ask for more. I wake up every day with a smile on my face because I know that you're on this earth with me. You're everything I've ever wanted in a person.
This turned out to be a lot more cheesy and weird than I had originally planned. Oh well. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic, I guess.

I love you. I love you so much. I'm so lucky to have you.
I look forward to more aanniversaries-- If you don't get tired of me, of course. I hope you don't.

With much, much, much love,

Tadashi Hamada

A sob breaks through your throat. You silence yourself by covering your mouth with your hand. Your eyes close tightly as the tears flood.

Tadashi should be here. He shouldn't of left so early into life. The weight on your shoulders shoves you deeper into the ground. You clutch the letter to your chest, replaying the words in your head. He had so much planned. What were the plans? You'd never know. You bite your lip, trying to mask the pain a little.

You want Tadashi to be here. It's not fair. You long for his arms to be around you, his lips against your hair. You long for late nights at the cafe, cups of coffee between you and him, hands entwined. You long for warm afternoons under a cherry blossom tree and movie nights and hand holding and happiness and just Tadashi.

"I-I love you, 'Dashi. I love you so much," You whisper. "I miss you."

The tears eventually dry out. Your throat is dry. But a part of you knows that you have to let the sadness ago. Sure, you didn't get your happily ever after for life, but you got a small one. Tadashi was-- is-- more than you could've asked for.

Somehow, you feel a little peace. You open your eyes and look at the stars again.

"I love you, Tadashi," You whisper. "Thank you."

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