(184): Butterflies (Part Two)

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Here's part two! I'm dividing this into three parts. Sorry-- I'm just busy. ^-^


The rest of third grade was boring. Tadashi ignored you everyday. You tried to apologize, to tell him it was a joke, but he didn't listen.

You left third grade, feeling indifferent to summer. What's summer without a best friend, anyways?


It's the middle of summer. Tadashi Hamada sits in the middle of the floor, helping his little brother on the floor.

Aunt Cass prepares their breakfast. "I haven't heard from ___ in a while. How is she?"

Tadashi sighs. "We're not friends anymore."

"Why not?" She asks. "You two have been close all year!"

"She likes me, Aunt Cass."

"Of course she does. She's your friend."

"No. She likes likes me."

"So you can't be her friend anymore? Because she likes you?"

Tadashi nods. Aunt Cass shakes her head. She kneels in front of the boys. Hiro scrambles up in her lap, fiddling with the toy robot in his arms. Cass cradles him, her eyes filled with concern towards Tadashi.

"No, no, no! Tadashi, sweetie, you can't just stop being her friend because she likes you. It's completely normal for girl friends to develop crushes on boy friends. One day, you might have a crush on her, too."

Tadashi grimaces. "No way!" He says. "That's gross."

Aunt Cass laughs and pats Tadashi's shoulder. She moves Hiro back on the floor and continues to cook. "Be her friend, Tadashi."

Tadashi nods. He needs to make it up to you.


On the first day of fourth grade, Tadashi waits for you in his class. Were you late? Did you move?

During recess, Tadashi sees you. You're lined up with other students. You're in a different class. Tadashi frowns as you walk back into the school building with your classmates. Maybe he couldn't be your friend.


Fourth grade was long and boring, like you knew it would be. You didn't have a best friend anymore. No one to swing with, to eat lunch with, to build robots with, to visit on Saturday mornings, to trick - or - treat with, no one. It was pretty miserable.


First day of fifth grade, you walk into your classroom and see Tadashi. The butterflies in your torso wake up from their sleep and flutter.

No, no, no. You can't have a crush on him. Not again. No. All that does is ruin friendships. Tadashi's brown eyes meet your (e/c) ones. You look down quickly and sit at the desk that has your nametag on it. You begin to wonder who your neighbors are. You look to your right; an unfamiliar name. You look to your left and come face-to-face to a pair of familiar eyes.

"Hey, ___," Tadashi greets.

Your eyes fall to the nametag. It has his name written on it. "Hey."

"How was your summer?" He asks.

"Fun," You lie. "Yours?"

"Great. We went on vacation with Aunt Cass for a week."

"That sounds fun."

"Yup," He says.

An awkward silence follows.

Tadashi opens his mouth to speak. "Look-"

"Morning, students!" Your cheerful teacher says. She writes her name on the board and introduces herself. Tadashi looks down in frustration.

How is he going to apologize now?

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