(24): Bot Fight

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Sorry for the lack of updates! It's been a busy week! This isn't a request just something I thought of during one of my classes today lol. Enjoy!

The ring of your phone wakes you up from a nap. You move your hand around your nightstand, searching blindly. You pick it up and hold it to your ear, propping yourself up on your elbow. "Hello?"

"___, you'll never believe what I just found." The voice of Hiro Hamada, your best friend, wakes you up.

"What?" You ask, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

"A bot fight, just across town!" He says. "It starts in an hour."

"And I'm supposed to go with you," You say.

"Yeah! C'mon, I pass by your house on the way anyways."

"Alright," You say.

"Great! Be there in ten!" Hiro says just before the line disconnects.

You tiredly pull your shoes on and then sit on your porch steps to wait on Hiro. He comes around just a few minutes after you go outside.

"Ready?" Hiro asks. You smile and nod and begin the walk to the robot fight.


"Any other challengers?" A small girl with bright blue hair asks inside the arena. Hiro smirks and takes a step forward. You pull him to a stop.

"Let me do it," You insist.

Hiro debates for a minute before handing you the robot and the control. "Get em, ___."

You smile and nod, walking up to the stage. "Right here," You say, holding up a wad of bills to bet.

Everyone laughs at the size of Hiro's robot. "Okay, kiddo," The girl says. "You think you can defeat my bot?"

"Totally," You say.

"Alright." She nods at another girl and you sit on a mat across from her.

"Fighters ready?" The girl says. You look at Hiro, who nods encouragingly. You smile. "Two bots enter; one bot wins! Ready? Begin!"

Automatically, the blue haired girl's robot begins swinging swords. Hiro's bot, small and adorable Megabot, dodges the blades with the swift movements of your fingers across the switches. After a few minutes, Hiro screams, "Destroy!" and you smirk.

Suddenly, the robot becomes angry and tears at the girl's. She screams in shock and fear and drops her control. Megabot returns to your lap and you stand, holding it up triumphantly. "Yeah, ___!" Hiro shouts.

The blue haired girl stands. She stomps over to you and grabs you roughly by your shirt. "How'd you do it?" She hisses. "No one ever beats me. How?"

You smile nervously. "A good inventor never gives out his or her secrets!"

She shakes her head and pulls her fist back to hit you. You flinch and wait for the impact. When it comes, you fall to the ground on your hands and knees. Your vision is cloudy and you gasp for air, wincing because of the pain in your mouth. "Gonna tell me now?" She asks.

"No way," You gasp.

"Fair enough. Boys! Take care of that." You look up and see two tall, muscular men towering over you. The pull you up by your arms and you thrash around.

"No, no!" You scream.

"Hey, hey, stop!" You hear Hiro shout. He scrambles to the stage and holds his arms up. "Look, I made the robot. Not her. She just wanted to fight."

"You made the bot?" She asks. Hiro sees the trickle of blood out the corner of your mouth and frowns.

"Yes." He nods.

"Take care of him too, then." She shrugs.

"What? No! Let her go, she has nothing to do with this!" Hiro shouts frantically. The man lifts you by the neck. Your feet leave the ground and you dangle, his fist choking you. "Stop!"

"Hey, let her go!" A voice shouts. Tadashi. "Get your hands off of her before I call the police."

At the mention of the police, you're dropped and the men run off. You fall on your knees again, gasping for air. Your hand goes to your throat, making sure it wasn't molded into the shape of his fist. Hiro drops beside you and checks your mouth and neck. "Oh man, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," You croak out.

"What were you two knuckleheads thinking?" Tadashi demands, kneeling down beside you. "She could've been killed, Hiro. Because of your stupidity!"

Hiro sighs. "I know."

"What would Cass say if she knew that you put ___ in danger?"

"It's okay," You say again. "I'm alive."

"Barely!" Tadashi says, observing the bruises on your skin. "Come on, I'm taking you home."

He walks out of the building and Hiro frowns. "___, I'm so sorry."


"It's not okay. He hurt you. Tadashi's right. I'm stupid." Hiro shakes his head.

"No. No, you're not." You throw your arms around Hiro's neck and he hugs you back. "You risked yourself for me. Thank you."

Hiro kisses your cheek. "It was nothing."

"Yes it was something." You say.

"No," he says. "I'm nothing without you, ___. Nothing." And just like that, he kisses you.

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