(150): I Can't Let You Go

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So I basically thought of the scene where Tadashi runs into the burning showcase, and I replaced Hiro with Fred and Tadashi with the reader in my head. It turned out fairly well in my head, seriously feely, which is always good-- So I came up with a sad Fred x Reader, because why not?

Hiro's showcase went great. You're having an amazing time with your friends and boyfriend, Fred. You hold his hand as the group walks out of the showcase. Fred leaps up in the air, making you laugh.

Cass hugs her nephews and walks away, her hands on their shoulders. "Alright, kiddos. Let's feed those hungry brains. Dinner is on me!"

Fred leaps into the air. "Yes! Nothing is better than free food!"

"Except for when it's moldy," You add.

Fred nods. "Very true."

As you're on your way to the car, something makes you stop.

"Oh. Hold on. I forgot my jacket inside the showcase," You realize. "I'll be right back." Everyone stops to wait. You wave the group off. "Go on. It won't take long. I'll meet you all there."

"Let me come with you," Fred says.

"Go on with everyone else, Fred. I'll only be a minute."

Fred squeezes your hand. "No way Freddie's leaving you to brave the halls of the showcase alone, ___."

You smile and look up at him. "Okay." He leans down to kiss you. "I love you," You tell him.

"I love you, too," Fred says.

Just then, you see the smoke. You gasp and drop Fred's hand, sprinting forward. He follows behind. You run to the side and grab a girl's shoulders. She's coughing. "Are you okay?" You ask.

She nods. "Yeah. But Callaghan's still in there!" She points to the fiery building. You stare up at the flames and swallow your fear. You take a few steps forward.

"No, ___!" Fred grabs your hand. You turn to see his watery blue eyes. "I can't let you do this."

"Freddie, Callaghan's still in there. Someone has to help." You lean forward and kiss Fred's cheek before yanking your hand away and sprinting into the building.

Fred looks around, a panic rising in his chest. He needs to go after you. To stop you before-

He's thrown backwards as the building explodes. Fred lays his cheek on the pavement, his eyes closed. His ears are ringing. People scream, but it sounds faint.

He sits up and looks for the building, but it's gone. In its place is a huge wall of flames, and you are lost in it.

"___!" Fred screams. He scrambles to his feet. "___! ___!"


"Fred," Honey Lemon says softly. "Have some tea." She offers Fred the small ceramic cup. Fred doesn't look up from his spot on the stairs. His arms rest on his knees, his sad and tired eyes watch his shiny black shoes. He shakes his head slightly.

Honey Lemon sighs. "Fred, please."

He shakes his head again.

Honey sighs and sets the cup on the stair. She frowns and walks off to join her other friends. Fred can hear their conversation.

"He's hardly ate anything."

"He's still in shock, guys. He did just watch his girlfriend-" Hiro cuts off.

"I'm just seriously worried about him."

"We all are."

"Can you imagine watching that? He must've known she wasn't coming out." Finally, Fred stands. He's had enough. He stomps up the stairs and wanders down the halls. Only the downstairs rooms are occupied by mourners. Fred's parents offered their home for a memorial. They never came home from the family island. Figures. Fred finds himself in a guest bedroom. He lays on the bed, tired, but unable to sleep. He replays the scene of your death in his head over and over again until it's surely branded into his brain.

He felt so empty. His heart shattered the moment the flames took you away. His tears had long since dried out.

A knock on the door doesn't even move him.


"What, Honey Lemon?"

"It's time for the, um, funeral."

Fred closes his eyes for a minute.


"I'm coming."


He stands in the mud. His father's favorite pair of dress shoes sink deeper in the dark brown slush of icy rain and dirt. Someone holds an umbrella over Fred's head. Another pats his back as the preacher speaks. Fred wishes everyone would leave him alone. He wanted to be alone.

Everyone has a chance to say whatever they want to the grave marked with a flag. Your headstone wasn't going to be in for a while. There's not anything to bury, anyways.

Everyone leaves Fred alone. He looks down. "I know you're not down there. I, uh." Fred shrugs. "I miss you. A lot. Nothing's going to be the same. I can't. . . I can't let you go, ___." He turns away from the grave. "That's all, really. Freddie doesn't have the strength to say the things that he wants. I guess you were always stronger, right? That's why you went to save Professor Callaghan and I. . . let you go. Stayed behind. I'm sorry. So sorry. Um. Love you, ___."

Fred walks away, shivering as the rain pounds on his already heavy shoulders.

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