(167): More Than Friends

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Sorry I haven't updated-- I was at a Winter Jam concert and then was exhausted all day yesterday from it. I'm back now, though.
Tadashi x Reader requested by PrincessLindsey. ^-^


"Hey, Tadashi!" You greet your best friend.

Tadashi waves as he parks his scooter. "Hey, ___. Um, what are you doing?" He asks, removing his helmet.

"I was waiting for you. We're supposed to study together, remember?"

"Oh. I completely forgot! I'm sorry, ___!" Tadashi runs to the door. "Why didn't anyone let you in?"

"No one answered the door when I knocked. Is anyone home?"

Tadashi unlocks the door. "Hiro is."

The living room is dark. Tadashi runs up the stairs to his bedroom. You follow. "Hiro!" He calls. Hiro sits on his bed, bag of gummy bears and pile of robot parts at his side. He has his earbuds in; the music is heard from the doorway of the room. "Hiro!"

Hiro doesn't even look up. Tadashi sighs and crosses the room. He pulls on the cord of the earbuds. "Hey!"

"Hello, Hiro! Could you listen for a second?"

"I'm listening," He mutters.

"Obviously not! ___ was outside! Why didn't you answer the door?"

"It's not a big deal, Tadashi," You say.

"Yeah, Tadashi. It's not a big deal." Hiro smirks. Tadashi rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "I'm sorry, ___."

You smile. "It's completely fine. Come on, 'Dashi. Let's go study."

"Yeah, 'Dashi. Go study with your girlfriend." Hiro laughs.

You blush and walk out of the room, pretending that you didn't hear that. Tadashi's face burns a dark shade of red. "Shut up, Hiro!" He shoves him. Hiro laughs again. "She's not my girlfriend, knucklehead." Tadashi walks away, following you to the couch.

"I'm sorry, ___," He says as he sits down.

"Don't be," You reply with a smile.

Tadashi smiles and blushes. "Okay," He says. "I guess we should start studying."

"Mmhm," You hum. You pull out your robotics textbook and begin reading the chapter. You twirl a strand of your hair around as you read. Tadashi watches, unable to concentrate on what you're saying. His crush on you only seems to grow with each day. He's not even sure that it's a crush anymore. He's pretty sure it's not even a crush anymore. He is completely in love with you. You notice that he's staring at you. "D-Do you have a question, 'Dashi?"

"Hm? Oh. No, keep reading."

"O-Okay," You say. You start reading again.

Hiro walks in the living room, sees Tadashi staring at you, laughs, and then walks away.


That night, Aunt Cass comes home. She greets her nephews with a kiss on the head and a hug. She hugs you and smiles. "What do you kiddos want for dinner?" She asks.

"I don't know," Tadashi says. "What do you want?" He looks at you.

"Actually, I should probably head home."

"Are you sure?" Tadashi asks.

"Yeah," You sigh. You start packing your stuff up. "Um, I'll text you."

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