(165): Double Date

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Tadashi x Reader requested by Ms_Kat_2014. In this, you have a sister that should be around Hiro's age. If you don't have a sister, just pretend you do. ^-^

It's a chilly and sunny afternoon. You walk with your sister and enjoy the sun. The two of you bring a packed lunch and sit at a picnic table in the park. You chat happily, munching on chips and crackers and sandwiches.

The wind is almost cold, but the sun keeps it from becoming unbearable. Your sister takes her scarf off and sets it down beside her. A gust of wind hits and it blows off, into the air.

"Oh, no!" Your sister shouts, standing up. You follow her as she chases down the scarf. She slows down, breathless. You keep running for it. How long can this go on?

Two boys that walk down the sidewalk see you struggling, and they run to help. The tallest one runs ahead of you and manages to jump high enough to reach it. He turns to face you. "This yours?"

"Hey," You breathe. "Um, sorry. That's my sister's."

He smiles and hands you the scarf. "Not a problem. Windy, huh?"

"Yeah," You say, brushing your hair with your fingers. "W-"

"___! Did you get it?" You sister screams as she catches up.

You hold up the scarf. "Yup!"

She stops beside you. "Ugh, look at this!"

"What?" You ask.

"It's totally ruined. Dirt and leaves-- gross!"

You laugh and roll your eyes. "Just brush it off, drama queen."

The guys laugh. You smile at the tallest one. "Thank you," You say. "I owe you. She would've freaked if she lost that scarf."

He laughs again. "You don't owe me anything. I'm happy to help. However, you could tell me your name."

You smile. "It's ___."

"My name's Tadashi," He says, holding his hand out. "This is my brother, Hiro."

"It's nice to meet you. This is my sister, (sister_name)."

Your sister waves and blushes as Hiro smiles at her. Tadashi notices. "It's a little too windy for a picnic, don't you think?"

You nod. "Yeah. We had to have lunch somewhere, though."

"How about we all have lunch at Lucky Cat Cafe?" Hiro suggests excitedly. "Our Aunt Cass owns it."

"That'd be nice," You say.

"Great!" Hiro says. "Let's go."


Weeks later, you fill a picnic basket with food. This time you are going on a real picnic on a much warmer and calmer day. Your sister sits at the table, smiling at her phone.

"Who are you texting?" You ask, even though the answer was pretty obvious.

"Hiro," She says.

You roll your eyes. She's always talking to her boyfriend. The two became a couple just a week and a half after their first meeting. "Of course."

"What about you and Tadashi, huh? When are you going to be official?"

You blush and your stomach flutters. You liked him, he definitely liked you, and the two of you have spent a lot of time together lately. You didn't want to rush anything. You want Tadashi to be the first to say something-- what if he doesn't like you? What if it's all in your head? You shrug it off. "I don't know. Maybe we won't ever be."

"You totally should be! Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?"

You shrug. "No, not really." That's a lie. You had been noticing.

Your sister sighs. Her phone vibrates. "Oh!" She says. "They're pulling in. I'll unlock the door. Get the basket."

You grab the basket and follow your sister outside. Tadashi waves from the front seat. Hiro climbs out of the passenger seat and opens the back door for (sister_name). He slides in beside her. You climb in the passenger side, the basket on your lap.

"Ready?" Tadashi asks. You smile and nod.


The picnic table is covered with a white blanket. Tadashi sets the table while you take out the cans of lemonade and soda. You place sandwiches and chips on each plate. A box of chocolate chip cookies is at the end of the table for dessert.

All during the meal, Hiro and (sister_name) are kissing, hugging, laughing, and feeding each other, completely oblivious to the snickers and eye rolls from you and Tadashi. Tadashi touches your hand. You look up at him. He jerks his head to the shadow of the trees.

The two of you walk to the shade, away from the annoying couple.

"They act as if they haven't seen each other in months," Tadashi says. "When they saw each other just two days ago."

"Too in love, I suppose," You sigh.

Tadashi laughs. "Haven't you been in love?"

You blush. "Um, I don't know. Maybe. H-Have you?"

Tadashi smiles and looks down. "Yeah. I have. I am, actually."

"Y-You are?" You stutter quietly. Tadashi nods. "With who?"

Tadashi reaches out and touches your cheek. "With you, ___. I am in love with you."

You smile and place you hands on Tadashi's shoulders. He looks at you as if he's waiting for an answer. You can't seem to find the words, so you just kiss him. His hands fall on your waist immediately. You press your body up against him, melting into the embrace. You pull away, your eyes closed. Tadashi laughs quietly.

"I guess you love me back then, huh?"

You smile and nod. "Yeah," You whisper. "I really do."

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