(104): Deciding

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Very short Pregnant Reader x Fred because there's never enough of these. Enjoy.

It was late at night. You were curled up next to your husband, Fred. His arm was draped over your waist, his fingers stroking your slightly swollen stomach. You were five months pregnant, and deciding on what to name your baby. You didn't know if the baby was a boy or a girl, yet.

"What do you want to name him or her?"

"Hmm. . . if it's a boy, Freddie."

You laugh. "That can be his middle name."

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I can't have two people talking in third person all the time."

"Okay, okay. Fair enough. Um-- Tony."

You sigh. "I am not naming our baby after Iron Man."

"But-" Fred complains.

"No," You say flatly.

"Okay, okay," He sighs. "Um, Bruce-"

"I'm not stupid, Freddie." You look up at him.

"At least let our baby have the name of Hulk."

"A green guy who can't control his own anger? No way."

"Okay, okay." Fred buries his face in your hair. "What were you thinking?"

"If it's a boy, (boy_name). Middle name Freddie."

"Okay, that's pretty good," Fred admits.

"If it's a girl: (girl_name). Middle name: (favorite_female_comic_book_character_real_name)."

"I'll admit it; that sounds beautiful." Fred holds you closer and kisses your cheek. "I can't wait until our baby comes."

"I can't wait, either," You say. You sit up and lean down to kiss Fred.

"I love you," He mumbles against your lips. You pull away, smiling. He leans down and kisses your stomach. "And I love you, little baby."

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