(95): Someone Else

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Hiro x Reader requested by ashleyfaustine.
// I apologize for not updating yesterday; I had to attend a funeral and spent the day with family.
Enjoy. (Unedited).

"Hey, ___!" Hiro says, waving at you from across the sidewalk at SFIT. Your stomach flips at the sight of your lifetime crush. He walks towards you, swinging his arms at his sides. "How's your day going?"

You smile. "Fine."

"That's good." He grins.

"You're in a good mood, Hamada," You observe.

"Yup. It's Friday, which means--" He starts.

You gasp excitedly. "It is Friday! Movie night!"

"Yeah!" He says. "Aunt Cass rented a bunch of horror movies. I figured that we can stop by a store after school. Pick up some snacks--"

"Gummy bears!" You interrupt. Gummy bears have always been Hiro's favorite.

Hiro pushes your shoulder playfully. "You know me all too well, ___."

You smile and open your mouth to reply.

You're interrupted by (random_girl_name), a girl who has been chasing after Hiro for months. "Hey, Hiro!" She runs in between you and Hiro, shoving you off the sidewalk and onto the grass. You shoot her a dirty look and walk behind Hiro, staring at your shoes as they trudge down the sidewalk.

Hiro glances back at you to make sure you're okay. "Um, hi, (r_g_n)."

"Are you doing anything later today?" She asks. You glare at the back of her head as she hooks her arm through Hiro's.

"I'm hanging out with ___, actually." Hiro smiles.

"Hm. Too bad. I was going to invite you over. Maybe we could go to the movies and out to dinner. Sure you're busy?"

"I'm sure," Hiro states.

"Fine. Have fun with your- er- friend." She kisses Hiro's cheek and strokes his shoulder before walking away.

"Creep," You mutter, catching up with Hiro.

"Well that was weird," Hiro says.

"Yeah," You grumble.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Um, I gotta go to Calculus. I'll see you after class."

"Okay," Hiro says.

You walk into Calculus class early. You're in the class alone. You drop your forehead on the desk. How could Hiro ever like you when someone as popular and gorgeous as (r_g_n) was flirting with him nonstop? Sure, she was annoying, but she was pretty. Athletic. Social. Outgoing. You were ___. Just ___.


After school, Hiro quickly catches up on his inventions in his lab. You are supposed to meet him there, but you're running late because you had to ask your chemistry teacher a question. Hiro was going to catch the bus with you. Wasabi usually drives the two of you everywhere, but he and your group of friends were working late.

When you walk into his lab, Hiro glances up and smiles. You smile back. He was your best friend, you shouldn't worry about what that girl does. Nothing could come between you and-

"Hey, Hiro! Look at what I invented!" You're shoved away, into the wall. It's (r_g_n), of course. She runs to Hiro. "Look!"

"Um, ___, you okay?" Hiro asks as you stand up straight.

(R_g_n) turns her head to glare at you.

"Fine," You manage to say as cheerfully as you can.

"Look!" She exclaims. Hiro examines whatever annoying machine she invented.

"Whoa. That's pretty cool." Hiro nods.

"I know! Wanna see how it works?"


Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes and Hiro's still talking with (r_g_n). They're laughing. She reaches up and strokes his arm. Hiro's cheeks turn pink and she giggles. What a flirt. You sigh and lean your head back against the wall.

"Here's my number," You hear her say. You glare at her again.

"Thanks," Hiro says with a smile. His eyes are wide with surprise.

"You can't be serious," You mumble.

"Call me later?" She asks, gathering her stuff.

"Uh- sure. Yeah. Totally."

You lost him. She leaves, a smirk on her face as she walks out. You don't even have the energy to be angry.

Hiro walks up to you. "Ready?"

You shrug and walk out. Hiro runs after you. "Hey, what's your problem?" He calls. "(R_g_n)," You mutter between clenched teeth.

"What'd she do?" He asks. You stop.

"Do you not see it?" Hiro shakes his head. "She's determined to get me away from you."

"What?" Hiro laughs. "She is not!"

"She is, and it's not funny!" You say. Hiro stops laughing. "She's taking you away from me already. She's in love with you, Hiro."

"No she's not." Hiro shakes his head. "And if she is, why do you even care?"

"Because-" You stop. "Because. . ."

"Because why?" He pushes. Hiro starts walking, grabbing your wrist so you'll keep up.

"I-I love you," You say quietly.

His eyes widen. He stops. "Um."

"I know. We're just friends. Besides, you're in love with--"

"I am not in love with her. If I were to be in love with anyone, it'd be you."

"You'd be in love with me?"

"I am in love with you, silly!" Hiro pokes your nose. You smile. "You really think I'd be with her? She's nice to me, but she's mean to you, and that's not okay. Plus, she's whiny."

You laugh. "I feel like an immature and stupid child."

"You're not a child. Neither am I. Now come on, we've got gummy bears to buy!" Hiro takes your hand and the two of you run down the sidewalks.

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