(49): Alike

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Finally-- another Wasabi x Reader! I was totally excited to write this and thrilled that three of you readers requested the exact same thing~
Makes it easier for me, haha. Enjoy, ^-^

A blind date. That's what you let Honey Lemon get you into. Now, with Honey's instructions, you were heading towards a fancy sushi restaurant to meet a guy she thought, "was perfect for you!". Whatever. You didn't have good luck when it came to relationships. . . any relationship. Honey was the only one you could call a friend.

Now look where that's got you.

Still, there was a part of you that wanted to give this a chance. So you walked into the expensive restaurant, smoothing your (f/c) knee-length dress down. Your hair was pulled up neatly in the fanciest twist you could manage with your not-so-careful fingers. Quickly before finding your table that was under the name 'Hamada' , because Tadashi was a part of this ridiculous plan, you check your makeup. If you had to do this, might as well make sure you looked good. Eyeliner smeared to heavily on your eye or uneven foundation was never attractive. Your face looked normal enough, so you put your mirror away in the small black handbag you carry. Then you walk up to the waiter who holds the menus.

"Evening, miss," He says. "Name?"

"Um," You say. "Hamada?"

"Hamada," He pauses, scanning the tables. "Yes. Right this way, ma'am."

You follow him as he walks to the table that seats a large, muscular and dark-skinned man. He smiles politely at you. You smile back, thank the waiter, and have a seat.

"Hello," You say shyly.

"Hello. You must be ___." The man holds out his hand and you shake it.

"Yes. Your name?"

He releases his grip. "Wasabi."

You blink at the sound of that name. Wasabi? "It's nice to meet you."

Wasabi nods and turns his attention to his chopsticks. He lines them straight on his plate and works on perfecting their alignment.

You smile and place yours in a straight line easily. Wasabi glances up as you unfold your napkin and place it smoothly on your lap.

Across the restaurant, a small kid lets out a wail. His parents, with dark circles around their eyes, frown and try to comfort him as he throws a fit. Wasabi shakes his head. You sigh.

"What would the two of you like to drink?" The waiter asks.

Wasabi gestures to you. "Water," You say.

"Two waters," He says. "Oh, and a mug of hot tea."

"Alright," The waiter says.

"Thank you," Wasabi says. You smile politely at the waiter and then the two of you pick up your menus. "Do you know what you're getting, ___?"

"Um, probably spicy tuna rolls. That's what I get when I come here with Honey and Tadashi."

"Ah. How long have you known them?" He asks.

"Since high school," You say. "How long have-"

A loud wail and the sound of a wine glass crashing to the floor makes you jump. You look at the table with the angry kid and see his red face, glaring at his parents as they help the workers dry the bubbly liquid from the floor. The kid reaches a hand out and smacks the bottle of soy sauce, spilling it on the table. Your fists clench in discomfort as the parents ignore that mess and continue with their meal.

You were extremely neat. Messes had always bothered you. You force yourself you look away from the family and stare at the menu, trying not to think of the dark liquid puddling onto the flooring, the wads of stained napkins littering the table. To keep your mind off of it, you drum your fingertips against the table. Wasabi notices. He smiles and places a hand on yours to stop. You freeze.

"I see messes bother you," He comments.

"Very much," You say, pulling your hand away.

"Well, that's one thing we have in common, ___."

"Really?" You ask, surprised. Wasabi nods. "So, like, parents who neglect to wash their childrens' faces off bother you?"

"Yes," He says. "Though I don't deal with children much. But people taking things from my work area. . ." Wasabi shudders.

You laugh. "I understand."

Wasabi shakes his head. "Never have I met anyone who understood me." The waiter brings your drinks and the tea with two mugs. He takes your orders and leaves. "Tea?" Wasabi asks, holding a mug out. You nod and wrap your fingers around it as he pours the tea.

"Thank you," You say, smiling. He nods and smiles, sipping his water. "I'd take a drink now but I'm afraid of burning my tongue."

Wasabi smiles. "I am as well."

"You're afraid of something?" You ask, raising your eyebrows and eyeing his muscles.

"Believe it or not, yes."

You laugh, tilting your head back as you do so. Wasabi's eyes widen as he suddenly thinks about how beautiful you are. He loved your laugh. "Like what?" You ask.

Wasabi smiles and leans closer. You do as well. "Angry children, for one," He says, nodding towards the kid who cries over his empty plate. "They make the most messes." He pauses as his eyes skim their messy table. "Oh. That chaos on their table. . . " He shakes his head. "Nope, couldn't handle it."

You laugh again. "I understand," you say again. "I believe that there's a place for everything-" You start.

Wasabi's eyes widen. "Everything in it's place," He finishes with you.

Your smile grows. "Yeah. You say that too?"

Wasabi shrugs. "It's my system."

"That's. . . awesome," You say slowly, blushing as Wasabi's brown eyes stare into your huge (e/c) ones. He nods in agreement.


After dinner, Wasabi walks you to his car. "That was really fun," You say, stopping beside the driver's side door. You unlock it and climb in. Wasabi shuts your door and you roll down your window. He bends down and leans into it.

"Yes, it was," He says, smiling. "We'll have to go on another date soon."

"We'll have to," You agree. You pull a napkin out of the glove compartment and an ink pen from SFIT. You scribble your number down on the napkin and hand it to Wasabi. "Call me. I'd love to hear more about your organized thoughts."

Wasabi laughs. "Alright. Goodnight, ___."

"Goodnight, Wasabi." Much to your surpise, Wasabi leans down to kiss your cheek.

"I'll call you tomorrow," He says, backing away.

"Okay," You say nervously, smiling. You wave out the window as you drive away.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now