(170): Not The Same

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Tadashi x Reader requested by DragonsDaughter. ^-^

"___! There you are! Where's everyone else?" Fred marches into Honey Lemon's lab, where you sit in an office chair.

"Just getting out of the game, I guess," You say. Today's Friday, and SFIT had a basketball game. All of your friends always attend as a way to take a break from hard work. You skipped out on it today. "I'm surprised you're here first, mascot."

"Yeah, well--"

"Hey, ___, Fred," Tadashi greets. Your heart stops beating for a second. Your cheeks heat up. This kid has been your crush forever. His cute, caring, and dorkish personality was just too much. You loved the way he got overly excited over his work, how loving he is over his brother, and how friendly he is towards everyone.

Tadashi goes into Go Go's lab, taking a stack of papers and a few tools. Fred notices you watching Tadashi. He elbows your stomach. You blush and push him away. "Knock it off, Fred."

"What?" He asks. "You're the one staring."

"I am not," You mutter.

"Yes you are! Just tell him, ___!"

Tadashi hears this and glances over. He smirks a little, making your heart melt.

You shake your head. "No. No way. I-I can't. I-I mean, I don't even like him like that."

"Uh-huh." Fred rolls his eyes and stands up.

"I-I don't!"

"Whatever!" Fred leaves the room. You sigh and lean back in your chair.

Honey Lemon comes in, smiling sweetly. "Hello, ___."

"Hey, Honey Lemon," You reply sadly.

"What's wrong?"

"Fred's annoying me, as always."

"Freddie, why are you annoying ___?" She calls out.

Fred pokes his head into the lab. "It's not my fault she's creeping up on Hamada!"

You stand. "I am not creeping up on him!"

"Creeping up on who?" Tadashi asks, walking in. Fred grins.

"No one," You say much too quickly.

"Um," Tadashi replies. "Alright."

Wasabi and Go Go walk into the lab. "You guys staying here for a while more or are we all piling up in Wasabi's car and heading out?"

"I'm up for heading out," Tadashi says. "You guys?"

"Totally," You say quickly. Your face turns red again.

Fred laughs. "Yeah, me too."


In the car, Fred manages to make sure that you're in the very back of Wasabi's car.

"So you can make your move," He whispers loudly. Everyone hears. You stare at your feet during the whole drive, feeling stares on you.

The rest of the night is just as embarrassing.


It's a late night at Lucky Cat Cafe. It closed hours ago, but Aunt Cass keeps the lights on for Tadashi and his friends. A little after midnight, Wasabi says, "Alright, it's getting late. Who needs a ride home?"

Everyone except you and Tadashi stand. Wasabi looks at you and asks, "___? Need a ride home?"

"No," You mumble, glaring at Fred. "I think I'll walk."

"You're sure?"

Fred snickers. "Of course you'd like to stay a little longer."

You shake your head at him and look away.

Wasabi shrugs. "Okay. Night, guys."

"Night," You say. Tadashi smiles and waves.

After everyone's gone, Tadashi asks, "So what made you so mad at Fred, huh?" He takes a sip of his coffee.

You sigh and look down. Might as well tell everything. "He just- um, he- okay. Look, this isn't easy to say. I like you, okay? As more than friends. I have for a while. You're just- different than everyone else. You're sweet and funny and I just really like you. So Fred's been bugging me about it for a while. I guess it was a little too obvious, huh?"

Tadashi takes a deep breath and sets his mug down. His face is indifferent. Your palms start to sweat. Why isn't he responding either happily or angrily? Not even a glimmer of annoyance in his eyes. Could he like you back? Was that even a possibility? "I always had an idea, you know? You've been acting weird for a while." He smiles for a minute, then his smile disappears. "___, I love you, just not in that way." Your heart sinks. Your smile falters. "You're my friend. One of my closest friends. That's it. I'm sorry."

By now, your heart is completely broken. You take a deep breath and then force a smile. "No, I totally understand. I knew that it was impossible for you to. . . anyways, I should be going. It's late."

Tadashi nods. And stands up. He pushes his chair in. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." You flash another smile. "I'll see you later. Um, bye." You duck your head and rush out, trying to hold in the tears. It took every bit of your strength.

Your strength wasn't enough. By the time you reach your home, your face is burning with embarrassment, your cheeks slick with tears. You wanted to be mad at someone. Fred, Tadashi-- but it's not their fault. It's yours. How could you blame anyone on your mistake? Your feelings? You lay in your bed, thinking about what exactly is wrong with you.

You fall asleep with one question in mind: What about you would make Tadashi not feel the same?

// Congrats to the Big Hero 6 team on their well deserved Oscar, and Happy Day- Before -DVD -Release -of- Big Hero 6- Day! (°^-^°)

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