(89): You Are Not Alone

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Hiro x Reader requested by MademoselleUsta. Enjoy.

You couldn't believe it. (Family_member) was gone. (He/she) passed away earlier, leaving you heartbroken and empty. Your memory kept replaying the scene of that last time you saw (him/her) over and over again.

You felt sick to your stomach. You decided not to go to school the next day.


Hiro notices your absence the next day. The two of you were best friends, and he missed you. When he got home, he sends you text after text.

___, why weren't you at school today?

Are you okay?

I need you to answer sometime soon. Did I do something wrong?

You never even text back.


--The Next Day--

The next day, you don't go to school either. You stare out the window, eyes heavy but unable to close. You couldn't  remember the last time you ate. Or slept. You kept a glass of water by your bed, but didn't take more than a sip every three or so hours.

You were so empty.

So alone.

There was no way out of this, no end.

You were drowning.

Hiro called three times and left two voicemails. You didn't check your phone.


--The Next Day--

Hiro couldn't stand it. What if something happened? What if you were gone? After school that day, he ran to your house. He knocked on the door. You glanced over at it, the sudden noise surprising you.

You open the door. "What?" You ask tiredly.

"Where have you been?" Hiro asks.

You frown and run a hand through your wet hair. "Um, the shower."

"No, like, over the last couple of days?"


"I was worried about you!" He says. He reaches for your hand. You let him take it. "You didn't respond to my texts or my calls-"

"(Family_member) died," You interrupt. "I-I don't known what to do. . . " You shake your head.

"Oh. ___, I'm so sorry." Hiro looks down. You start to cry. Hiro pulls you in his arms and steps inside. He reaches out to shut the door and holds you on the bed. "It's okay. I understand. When Tadashi died, I-I didn't know how I was going to go on with life. It's never easy."

You tighten your arms around his neck. Hiro's hands move up and down your back. "It hurts," You whimper.

"I know. I know." He kisses your hair. "But I'm here, okay? I'll never leave you."

"Promise?" You whisper.

"I promise." He pulls away. "Have you ate anything?"

You shake your head.

"Why not?"

"Not hungry," You mutter.

"You have to eat." He kisses your cheek. "Let's order take out."

You smile a little. "Okay."

"I can't have you giving up, alright? You didn't give on me, and I'm not giving up on you." Hiro leans forward and kisses you softly. You kiss back automatically. "Stay strong. You've got this."

// Hey, if you're in Pewdiepie's Bro Army, then check out Ms_Kat_2014 's new story, Adopted by Pewdiepie!

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