(45): Someone Has To Help

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Sorry for the wait, guys! --Tadashi x Reader requested by seriously like, everyone.
Enjoy! (Unedited).

You couldn't believe that you were running late. The one day it was important to make it to something and you were late. You sigh. An hour ago you were meant to be at SFIT, supporting Hiro as he presented his invention to the inventors of San Fransokyo but instead you were stuck in the worst traffic with a rude taxi driver. Fifteen minutes ago you decided to just leave the taxi behind and walk to the school. Your phone buzzes in your hand. Tadashi, your boyfriend, texts you:
Hiro did AMAZING. They'd be stupid not to accept him into SFIT.

You sigh again and text back:
I really wish that I could've made it. I'll be there in five minutes. I can see the main building now.

Thirty seconds later, he sends another back:
I'll wait here for you. Cass is taking us to the cafe to celebrate. I wanted to talk with Hiro anyways. Little knucklehead is actually doing something with his life!

You grin. It was just too cute when Tadashi expressed how proud he was of his little brother. You send:
Thanks. Love you!

Back at SFIT, Tadashi smiles as he reads that text. Hiro reaches over Tadashi's shoulder and reads it. He rolls his eyes. "You guys are so gross. I thought that you wanted to talk to me."

"I do, knucklehead, but expressing my love and happiness for ___ is a number one priority." Tadashi sends a quick: Love you too! and puts his phone away.

"Ridiculous," Hiro mutters, shaking his head.

"It's not ridiculous," Tadashi says. "And I-I was going to ask you about something."

"Really? You're not going to congratulate me on my fine work or criticize me because I turned down Krei's offer?"

"Well, congratulations, knucklehead. And there is no way I'd criticize you on that. This is your life. I know you can make the right decisions. If I was going to say anything, it was that your fly was down the entire time." He pauses, laughing at the fear on Hiro's face. "But that's not it, either. Hiro, I-I want to ask ___ to marry me."

Hiro stares at his brother, wide-eyed. "You what?"

"Yeah. We've been dating since high school now and I love her, Hiro. I love her more than anything." Hiro's face falls and Tadashi sighs. His phone buzzes but he doesn't check the text. "Hiro-"

Hiro forces a smile. "I just- don't want to lose you, you know? You're my best friend. If you're not at home. . . who will I play video games with or deal with Aunt Cass's craziness?"

"It's not like you're losing me, bro. ___ and I will have our own place and you can crash there and play video games as you please."

"But one day you could have kids."

Tadashi blinks and smiles at the thought of having his own kids. "Yeah. But this is if she says yes."

"Dude, she'll say yes. But if she doesn't, there's always video games."

Tadashi laughs. "Hiro, you always know how to boost my confidence." Hiro shrugs and laughs while Tadashi messes up his hair.

Suddenly, screams fill the air. Tadashi and Hiro turn to see smoke pouring out of the showcase. Without thinking, he takes off towards it. Tadashi runs to the side of a girl who coughing weakly. "Are you alright?" He asks softly.

"Yeah," She croaks out. "But Callaghan and ___ are still in there."

"___?" Tadashi pulls his phone out and checks it. A text from you:
I'm here. Looking for you and Hiro.

Tadashi drops his phone and runs towards the showcase, eyes on the flames inside. "Tadashi, no!" Hiro shouts, grabbing Tadashi's hand.

"___ is in there," Tadashi says, tears in his eyes. "I have to help her."

Hiro slowly releases his grip on his brother. Tadashi runs off, not glancing back. Inside, the showcase was destroyed. Beams from the ceiling lay on the floor, flames lick their way up the walls. Burnt papers cover the floors, broken and forgotten inventions are thrown around. "___!" Tadashi calls out, running around the tables and flaming debris.

"Tadashi!" You scream, turning around from where you lean over with Tadashi. Tadashi runs in the direction of your voice. "Tadashi, help!"

"___!" Tadashi shouts, running to your side. His arms wrap around your waist and he holds you close. "We have to get out of here."

You nod. "Callaghan is hurt."

Tadashi drops to his knees beside Callaghan. "Professor Callaghan," He says calmly, examining the burn on his left side. "The building's gonna come down any minute. We have to get you out of here. Put you arm around mine and ___'s shoulders, alright?"

Callaghan nods, groaning in pain as he grabs yours and Tadashi's shoulders. The three of you run, coughing on the smoke and sweating from the heat of the flames. The exit of the door was just ahead when Tadashi shoved you and Callaghan ahead. "Go, just go!" As soon as the three of you make it on the steps outside, the building rumbles before exploding. You, Callaghan, and Tadashi are thrown forward. You shut your eyes and lay still, your cheek pressed against the pavement.

Faintly, you hear shouting. "___? ___, answer me, please!" Hands shove your shoulders, fingers brushing your tangled hair. You turn over on your back, looking up to see Tadashi.

"I'm okay," You say quietly.

Tadashi sighs with relief, dropping his head on your shoulder. He buries his face in your hair, smiling. You were okay. He was okay. Everything was okay. You reach up and move your fingers through his now messy hair. Tadashi's hands move to your back and he pulls you up in his lap. The two of you sit on the steps, your arms around his neck and his arms around your waist.

"I love you," He says, kissing your cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," You say, laying your head on his chest.

"___?" He asks softly.

"What?" You ask, looking up at him.

"I know this isn't traditional, but I can't think of a time I've been happier. You're okay, and that is enough for me." Tadashi reaches in the pocket of his jacket and pulls out the black box. "___, will you marry me?"

Slowly, you reach for the box while covering your mouth in surprise. "Y-yes!" You say, tears brimming. You throw your arms around his shoulders. "Tadashi, I love you!"

Tadashi laughs with his face buried in your hair again. "I love you too."

"Tadashi, ___!" Hiro says, running to the two of you. He drops on his knees, hugging Tadashi close. "Dude, you scared me to death!"

"Now you know how I feel when you run off bot fighting," Tadashi says. Hiro shrugs and rolls his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes fall on the black box in your hands. He glances over at Tadashi. "She said yes."

Hiro doesn't hesitate to smile and pull the two of you close. "Good. You would be stupid to not say yes, ___."

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