(11): Date

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Finally, a Fred x Reader request! Requested by toothless4ever. I'm so excited to write this-- Fred is my favorite Big Hero 6 character!

In this, you're Hiro's little sister. :)
And I managed to keep this Fred spoiler free!

Enjoy! (Unedited).

"___?" Fred calls, taking a deep breath and lifting open the head of his mascot costume. The actual school day was over, but Fred was still going to stick around while you stayed with Hiro as he worked on his inventions late into the night.

"Hey Freddie, I'm over here!" You call, waving from an office chair beside Hiro's desk. Fred was your best friend, next to Hiro of course, and you tried to be with him as much as possible. Hiro sighs in annoyance at your excitement. You saw Fred every day, you talked to him constantly, and Hiro was annoyed to learn that you had a crush on him.

Fred walked up grinning a goofy smile as he throws his sign for the school on Hiro's desk. "Do you mind?" Hiro sighs.

"Sorry, buddy," Fred says, leaning against the desk. You shake your head and continue to read your comic book. "So, you want to do something?"

"We can go annoy Wasabi," You say with a smile.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something," He says nervously.

"Oh. Okay." You set your comic book down and stand up.

"C'mon," He says. He walks out of the building, gesturing for you to follow. You shrug at Hiro as he gives you a confused look and follow Fred out.

"Okay, Freddie, what's up? Since when do you want to go outside?"

"I just- I know that we're best friends, but I-I wanted to ask you if maybe, you wanted to go out sometime?" Fred asks, shrugging.

You bite your lip and push your (h/c) hair from your face. "Really? You're asking me out?" Fred nods and you grin. "Of course- yeah, I'd love that!"

"You would?" Fred asks, eyes widening in surprise.

"Yeah," You say.

"___!" Hiro shouts from behind you. "C'mon, Cass wants us home!"

"Kay," You shout back. "So, when?"

"Tomorrow?" Fred asks.

"Sounds great," You say. "Pick me up at four, okay?"

"Okay," He says, waving as you run off towards your brother.


Later that night, you and Hiro get ready for bed. "So, what'd Fred ask you, huh?" He asks as you brush your hair.

"Oh," You say. "He uh, asked me out."

"He what?" Hiro asks, staring at your reflection. "And what did you say?"

"I said yes," You shrug, putting your brush down and climbing into bed.

"What! You think Aunt Cass is just going to allow that?" Hiro asks.

"Uh, I already told her and she was excited."

Hiro groans and leans back against his pillows. "___, I really don't think that you should go out with Fred."

"I don't care, Hiro." You turn the lamp that sits on your nightstand. "You can yell at me tomorrow, then."


The next day, you sit with Hiro and Cass and eat breakfast. "I seriously don't think you should go, ___," Hiro mutters.

"Seriously, Hiro? We just got up and you're already starting this?" You ask.

Cass takes a sip of her coffee and sighs. "Hiro, honey, it won't hurt her if she goes on one date."

"Exactly," You say. "Thank you, Cass."

Cass nods and smiles. "Fine," Hiro mutters, and he walks off to the garage.

Cass frowns and shakes her head. She stands up to clean up his dishes, leaving you wondering why this is such a big deal to Hiro.


"___!" Cass calls from downstairs. "Fred's here!"

"Coming!" You say, running down the stairs. Cass stands on the last step, smiling at Fred. "Hey," You breathe, grinning.

Fred looks up and smiles. "Hey," He says.

You step down to the bottom step and Cass sighs at your outfit. A t shirt featuring your favorite hero, skinny jeans, and (f/c) Converse. "___, dear, when you're going on a date you are supposed to dress nice."

"This is nice," You say.

"Whatever you say, kiddo. Go out, have fun. Be back before 11, okay?"

"Okay, Cass." You give her a quick hug before following Fred to the door.

"Love you!" She shouts as you walk down the sidewalk.

"Love you too!" You shout back.

You and Fred walk silently for a while. Until he says, "I actually think that outfit is nice."

"Thanks, Fred," You say, taking his hand.

"You're welcome. So I was thinking, sushi maybe? (A/N: I apologize if sushi is not your thing, but sushi is my favorite food and I'm seriously craving it. Lol.) Then we could go to the movies."

"Sounds great."


After the movie, you and Fred walk down the sidewalk, laughing. He's walking you home after a few hours. The sign for Lucky Cat Cafe says it's closed, but Cass has left the lights on for you. She's probably upstairs, drinking her fourth cup of coffee to keep her awake until you come home.

"So... I'll see you soon," Fred says.

"Yeah," You breathe, smiling up at him. He smiles back and touches your cheek. Your place your hands on his chest and reach up to kiss him. You pull away seconds later, completely breathless.

"We'll have to go out again," He says quietly. You laugh and nod.

"Definitely," You say, pulling away. "Night, Fred."

"Night, ___," He says, watching you as you walk inside.

When you walk upstairs, you're prepared to talk to Cass about the date. But it's not Cass sitting at the dining table. It's Hiro, bags under his eyes, staring at the table. "Hiro? What are you doing up?"

"I uh- couldn't sleep," He says, looking up at you. "How was your date?"

"Great," You say, taking a seat in front of Hiro. "We went out for sushi and then to the movies."

"Fun," He says. "Are you guys going out again?"

"Probably," You sigh. "But Hiro, why were you so mad at me?"

"I wasn't mad," He says.


"No," he interrupts. "Look, if you and Fred end up together then you won't spend as much time with me. You know as well as I do how hard it was to lose Tadashi."

"You won't lose me."

"I know. Plus, I know it's ridiculous but I don't want him to end up hurting you."

You stand. "I'll be okay, brother. Now c'mon, let's stay up late watching stupid horror movies and eating junk food."

"Sounds great," Hiro says with a smile.

"If you want, you could always join us on our dates," You say.

"Yeah... Let's just hang out at home, okay?"

You laugh. "Okay."

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