(171): For Being Here

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Just a short little Fred x Reader that I thought of-- ^-^

"Morning, ___!" Fred says cheerfully, spinning his mascot sign.

You smile. "Morning. You're in a good mood."

Fred nods and sits in his little armchair. He props his feet up on the arm of the chair.

"How come?" You ask.

"Well, you'll be pleased to know that my parents are finally coming home from the family island. Heathecliffe is making a huge dinner and my parents are taking me to a theater with them."

"Aw, Freddie! That's wonderful! I'm so glad that you can spend time with them!" You have known Fred and his family for a long time now. You know how hard it is for Fred to be so distant from his father.

"Yeah," Fred says with a smile. His eyes are even brighter that usual. It makes you happy, knowing that this man you love so much is finally getting to spend time with his family.

The day goes by quickly. Before you know it, you're heading home. Fred walks with you, since your home is only a couple of blocks away from his.

"Have a wonderful night with your parents, Freddie," You tell him before you turn the corner to your street.

"I will." He pats your back before walking away. He calls back, "Text you later!"

"'Kay!" You call back.

The rest of the night is pretty uneventful. Junk food, naps, and movies takes up your entire evening. You're kind of surprised when your phone vibrates at eight. It's Fred. The text reads:

Could you come over, maybe?

You're puzzled. Isn't he spending time with his family? You quickly text back:

Yeah. Give me ten minutes.

You pull on your shoes and head out. The walk to Fred's mansion is peaceful, the wind softly blowing the pink cherry blossoms high up in the branches. When you reach Fred's house, he's sitting on the bottom step of his porch. His eyes are on the ground. You hear a sniffle and he wipes his eyes with his white sleeve.

"Freddie?" You ask softly.

He glances up. "Oh. Good, you're here." He pats the spot beside him.

"Is something wrong?" You ask.

He hands you his phone. You read the text from his mother:

Your father and I cannot make it home. Our close friends have decided to pay a visit here on the island. I hope you understand. We'll go to the theater another day! Lots of love!

You look over at him. He wipes his face again. "I don't know," He says quietly. "Maybe I just thought that this time would be different. That I could have a normal family for once. But I kept telling myself that this was it and they'd come and then they're running behind and I text them and my mom replies with that. . . I just wanted something more."

"Oh, Freddie," You whisper. You hook your arm with his. "I'm sorry."

"No need for you to be sorry, ___," He says. "I shouldn't of asked you to come here. Freddie can deal with sadness without help."

"I'm always here for you," You tell him. "Whenever you need me, Fred. I won't let you deal with this by yourself." You kiss his cheek and lay your head on his shoulder.

Fred smiles. "How'd I get so lucky to have you?"

You blush and shrug.

"How can I repay you?"

"Repay me for what?" You laugh.

"For being here, duh," He says. "For spending your evening comforting a sad Freddie on a chilly evening on a porch."

"There's no other way I'd like to spend my evening."

Fred smiles and places a finger under your chin. He tilts your face and presses his lips to yours softly. "That's for being here."

You smile and rest your head on his bony shoulder. He leans his head against yours. You close your eyes, mentally thanking Fred for being there for you all the time.

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