(98): Always Here

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Hiro x Reader requested by midnightdragonfire. Long & pretty sad. Enjoy.

--However Long Ago It Was Since You Were In Kindergarten--

It was your first day of Kindergarten. You were wearing your (f/c) shirt and blue jeans. Your shoes flashed lights with every step. You didn't quite understand what to do. When you arrive in your classroom, you suddenly feel the need to just run back home to your family. Kids your age were talking in small groups. Happy. They all wore bright smiles and the girls were holding hands, playing games on the thick blue carpet by the windows.
You stood behind everyone, staring at the floor. Your family told you to talk to someone and make friends, but everyone was taken already. You were too late.
"Sorry, sorry! Are we late? Hope not!" A voice says from the doorway. A little boy with wild black hair stands next to a lady. His hands are closed in fists around her shirt. She gently pries his hands off. She drops down on her knees and kisses his forehead. "Okay, Hiro. Be good, have fun, make friends!" She kisses his forehead again and hugs him before walking away.
"Okay, everyone!" Your teacher says. "Take your seats! Find your nametag on the desks."
You find your seat, a table of eight. Your seat is right next to that boy's. You sit there quietly. Everyone began talking. The teacher passed out pieces of paper and set boxes of crayons on everyone's desks. You start coloring.
"What are you drawing?" Hiro asks from beside you.
You smile. "My family," You mutter quietly.
"Cool. Me too." Hiro pushes his picture closer to you. He points to each person. "That's me. Oh! That's my brother, Tadashi. He's really cool. We build robots together."
"Robots?" You ask.
"Yeah! One day you should build them with us."
"Okay." You smile. "And is that your mom?" You point to the lady.
"No. That's Aunt Cass." Hiro finishes coloring the bright blue sky.
"Where's your mom and dad?" You ask.
"Aunt Cass and 'Dashi say that they're gone for a while." He shrugs.
"Gone?" You ask. He nods. "Oh."
"It's okay though. I'm happy with my Aunt Cass. She owns a store and everyday she gives 'Dashi and me a donut to split after he gets back from school. Oh, and she has a fat cat. His name is Mochi." You laugh. Hiro laughs too. "What's your name?"
"I'm Hiro Hamada. We should be friends, ___."
You nod. "Yeah. We should."


Since that day, Hiro was your best friend. The two of you did everything together. That is, until he was transferred a grade ahead. Then two. Then three. And soon enough, he graduated. He stopped calling. Stopped texting. You were back to that first day of school. Lonely.

After school one day, you decide to go to Lucky Cat Cafe to pick out your favorite pastry. You knew that Hiro's aunt owned this, and it kinda made you sad to see that frizzy hair that looked almost as crazy as his. She was at the counter.

"Hey, sweetie!" She notices you. "How have you been?"

"Good," You answer.

"Has Hiro called you?" She asks.

"Um, yeah," You lie.

"Good. I'm always reminding him." She smiles and takes out your favorite pastry. You force a smile. Even under constant reminders he doesn't call. "Here you go sweetie. Have a wonderful day."

"Thanks," You say.

"Hey, Cass, I'm heading out to-"

"Hiro!" Cass says. "___ is here!"

You blush and bite your lip. Were you happy that this actually happened or what? It's been years since he's talked to you.

Hiro smiles and glances around nervously. "Um, hey."

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