(112): Watch It

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Sibling Go Go x Reader as requested. c: Enjoy. (Unedited).

You're at the movie theater with your older sister, Go Go. She wanted to see an action movie with her friends, but Honey and Hiro were busy, Fred was waiting outside of the game store for the release of a highly anticipated game, and Wasabi was just scared of action movies. It was just you and your sister, which was alright with you. You sat with Go Go in the very middle of the theater. She props her feet up on the seat in front of her and settles into the chair. You open your box of (favorite candy).

A group of young guys come in and sit behind you and Go Go. They whisper and laugh quietly to each other. The movie starts.

"Want some?" You ask Go Go, offering her some candy. She holds up a hand and shakes her head.

The guy behind Go Go says something about you, you guess, as she turns around in her seat and glares at the young man. He stops talking. She turns around, crossing her arms and pops a pink bubble. Forty minutes later, he says something else. You still couldn't hear him over the blaring of gun shots and screams coming from the speakers, but Go Go did. She shoots out of her seat and faces the guy.

"Now you listen here, nitwit. That is my sister you're talking crap about-- you do not want to mess with her, because you'll mess with me. I am not afraid to kick yours and your friend's butts. Now either shut up or get out!"

She leans over the seat, her gloved hands clenched tightly into fists. The guys blink. "We-We're just. . . going." They scramble out of their seats and out of the theater. Go Go sits back down.

"Well," You mumble. "Maybe you don't need to watch anymore action movies."

Go Go points a finger at you. "Watch it," She threatens, but she smiles kindly. You offer her some candy again. She takes out her wad of pink bubblegum and sticks it on the seat in front of her before grabbing a handful of candy.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now