(26): Someone Else

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Hiro x Reader (with a bit of Tadashi as well) requested by Marissabussey.
Three more days until Big Hero 6! Anyone else seeing it on the 7th? I am!
Enjoy! (Unedited).

"Hey little bro," Tadashi says, walking into the bedroom he shares with his younger brother, Hiro. "What's up?"

Hiro sighs at the sound of his brother's voice and buries his face in his pillow. He mumbles, "Go away."

Tadashi laughs. "Get up. ___'s coming over for dinner and it's not polite to keep your face smashed against your pillow."

Hiro lifts his head at the sound of your name. He'd had a crush on you for a while now. Thing was, so had Tadashi. "___'s coming?" He asks.

"Yeah. And I don't need you ruining the night I could ask her out."

"No," Hiro says. "No, you wouldn't ask her out, Tadashi."

"Uh- yeah, I would." Tadashi shakes his head. "Why is it such a big deal, anyways?"

"I-I-" Hiro stutters, blushing a deep red.

"No," Tadashi says in disbelief. "You don't, do you? You do. You have a crush on her!"

"Well, so do you!" Hiro exclaims, shooting up on his knees in bed.

"Well yeah, but who would she go out with anyways? Me, who's already getting ready for the future, or you, who's wasting his brain on bot fighting?"

Hiro's face falls and he sits back. "You're right," He says softly.

Tadashi sighs in sadness and sits nexts to his brother. "I'm sorry."

"No. It was stupid of me to even think-"

"Brother, you're not stupid. I acted like a jerk. I'm sorry."

Hiro shrugs.

"Tadashi, Hiro! ___'s here!" The boys hear Cass shout from downstairs.

"I'll be downstairs," Tadashi says, running out the door.

Hiro shakes his head and falls back on his pillows. "Yeah, and I'll be here."


"Hey, Tadashi," You greet cheerfully as he walks downstairs.

"___," He greets, hugging you.

"Wings are almost ready, kids!" Cass says, walking back upstairs. You and Tadashi follow. To pass the time, Tadashi turns a movie on. You sit there, watching it happily. Suddenly, Tadashi turns to you.

"Uh, I, uh-, wanted to ask you something."

"Okay," you say, giving him a confused look.

"It's just- I-I really like you, you know. A-and I wanted to know if maybe you'd want to be more than friends."

Your face displays shock. What? You clear your throat. "Oh. Wow, uh- look, Tadashi... I like you as a friend. Not anything else." Your thoughts go to your current crush, Hiro. "I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's okay," He says, nodding. "But-uh- do you like Hiro?"

You freeze. The blood rushes to your cheeks and you sigh. "Uh, maybe? I-I don't know." You bury your face in your hands. "It's complicated."

Tadashi awkwardly pats your back. "Well, I-I mean, if you do then-- Hiro... Hiro likes you."

You raise your head up. "He does?"

Tadashi nods, you smile.

"Go talk to him," He says.

"Okay," You say. You kiss Tadashi's cheek and take his hands. "Thank you."

"Anytime," He says.

You stand up and walk to the bedroom door. You knock and wait. "Leave me alone, Tadashi. Go talk to someone else about your new girlfriend."

You sigh and open the door. Hiro sits up and throws his pillow in your direction. "Leave me alone!" You jump back and Hiro's eyes widen. "Oh, ___. It's you. Sorry, I thought it was... Your boyfriend."

You laugh and go to sit on his bed. "He's not my boyfriend."

"He's not?" Hiro asks.

"No," You say with a shy smile. "He asked me... But I said no. I like someone else."

"Oh," Hiro says. "Who is it you like?"

You grin and touch his cheek. "Guess," you whisper before kissing him softly on the lips. Hiro doesn't hesitate to kiss back.

When you pull away, Hiro says, "You love me."

"More than anything." You nod, wrapping your arms around him.

"Wings are ready!" Cass shouts.

Back in the kitchen, you and Hiro sit beside each other, your hand in his. Tadashi smiles happily at his little brother the entire time.

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