(38): Argument

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Tadashi x Reader monkeysam02. I think I'm kinda getting out of order on these requests-- but don't worry. If you're still waiting on one and you've been waiting for a while, just let me know. ^-^
Enjoy! (Unedited).

"Tadashi," You say, walking into his lab at SFIT. It was almost midnight, and Tadashi hadn't shown up to your date. It was your one year anniversary and he didn't come. You were hurt and angry.

"Hm?" Tadashi asks, leaning over a huge red box.

"Did you forget something?" You ask.

"No I have the carbon fiber. . ." He trails off, glancing over at you. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh."

"Oh man- I'm so sorry. I didn't even think about it." Tadashi rubs his eyes, walking over to you. "Look, I can make this up to you."

"No," You whisper, tears in your eyes. "You can't. This has been happening off and on- you're choosing your schoolwork over me. Over your family. Cass has been complaining about this too."


"I'm leaving," You turn away.

"No," Tadashi says, reaching out and grabbing your wrist. He yanks you back. "Not until we fix this."

"Ow- let me go!" You say, yanking your arm back. "There's nothing to fix. I know that you won't try any harder, you know that too. Do you know how much I spent on the restaurant reservations? That we didn't even eat at?"

Tadashi hangs his head. "I'm sorry." You sigh. A tear falls down your cheek.

"I accept your apology," You whisper. Tadashi smiles and leans down to kiss you. You take a step back. "But we're over, Tadashi."

"What?" He asks. "You're not leaving me because of this. Because I don't show up to one date, one. One. Date. You know what- you're always the one that's needy. You never want me to do anything that doesn't involve you. It's always you. Always. So really, this was a great idea. I don't know what I was thinking, dating someone as lazy and-and self centered as you."

By then, tears were falling. You choke out, "I can't believe you'd say that to me."

Tadashi takes a deep breath. His burning eyes meet yours and his expression softens. You shake your head and take off.

"Wait, ___!" Tadashi calls out to you. You ignore him, sobbing the whole way home.


Back at home, you sit on your bed, your face pressed into your tear soaked pillow. Your sheet is pulled over your head. You couldn't believe that he had said that. It had to be true, then-- Tadashi has never lied to you before. You were selfish. Lazy. You'd never realized before.

Tadashi slowly walks up to your front door. He holds his ear up against the wood. He can faintly hear your cries. He sighs. He didn't mean to say that. It wasn't true. He knew that, but he was sure that you didn't. Slowly, he opens the door. You never locked it, which was something Tadashi always hated.

You don't hear the door creak open. Tadashi walks into your bedroom and sits on the edge of your bed. You stiffen under the covers. "___. . ."

"You're right," You cry. "I'm selfish and lazy. I'm awful. You don't deserve someone as horrible as me."

"Don't. . . don't say that," Tadashi says, pulling the covers back. His heart breaks at the sight of your tear stained face. "I didn't mean it. The way I acted. . .was . . . ridiculous. It's not true. You have to believe me." You slowly sit up, but don't say anything. "I'm sorry. I love you, ___. I didn't want you to leave me. You're my everything."

You slowly reach out and touch his cheek. "I never wanted to leave you," You whisper.

"Then don't," Tadashi whispers back, leaning in to kiss you. His lips touch yours softly, and he brushes your hair back. You slowly pull away and look up at him. He brushes the tears off your cheek and kisses your forehead.

"How about we try that date again tomorrow?" He asks.

You smile. "Sounds great."

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