(14): Nightmare

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Sibling Hiro x Reader requested by clarinetgirl301. Again, Tadashi spoiler if you haven't seen the second trailer... Or heard how it happened. c: Enjoy.

"Tadashi, no!" You scream as the building erupts in flames. Your brother, Tadashi, had gone in there to save his professor, leaving you and Hiro alone. "No! Tadashi! Tadashi!"
You hear Hiro's cries from beside you. "Tadashi! Tadashi, Tadashi!"
This was all too familiar. You'd lived this day before, felt the same thing you're feeling now before. Behind you, you hear Cass's screams for her family. "Hiro," You manage to choke out, barely seeing him in the thick smoke. "Hiro, Aunt Cass needs us."
"No!" he screams, shoving you away. "Tadashi!" Suddenly, the memory takes an unexpected turn. Hiro takes off running towards the building.
"Hiro!" You scream, sprinting to reach him. "Hiro! Hiro, no! Don't! Hiro! Hiro!" You can't reach him. He's gone.
You lost both of your brothers.

"No!" You scream, shooting up in bed. Sweat drenches you and your lungs ache, struggling to breathe in the thick, smoky air of your dreams. The silence in the room is eerie. "Hiro," You whimper, crawling out of the bed to find comfort from your brother and best friend, Hiro.

You stop before you reach the door. No, you couldn't go. He would tell you that you're far too old to come crying to your brother because of a nightmare.

But you needed the reassurance thats he's okay, that he won't leave you. So you open the door and walk down the familiar dark hallway to Hiro and Tadashi's room. The door is cracked open, and you hear Hiro's soft snoring. Should you bother him? You bite your lip. You had to. You needed him.

You walk quietly to his side and shake his shoulder. "Hiro?" You whisper. He groans and turns around. "Hiro."

He lifts his head and looks in your direction. "___? What are you doing up?" He looks at the alarm clock on the nightstand. "It's three in the morning."

"I-I had a bad dream," You whimper.

"Oh," He says, sitting up and turning on the lamp beside his clock. "What happened?"

You sit on the side of the bed. "I-It was Tadashi, again," You whisper. Hiro nods in understanding. There was nothing to be said to comfort the loss of your brother. "But then you followed him." Your voice breaks as you say, him, and Hiro looks at you sadly. Tears fall down your cheeks and Hiro pulls you close to him.

"Hey, hey, now. It's okay. I'm here, ___, I'm here." You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in his shoulder.

"It was so real," You whisper.

"I know," He whispers. You sit up and look at him.

"I have those dreams too. Where I couldn't save you, you know? I just never tell anyone."

"I almost didn't want to tell you," You say. "I guess I'm probably too old to come to you when I have a bad dream."

"You will never be too old, sister." You smile at this and lay down next to Hiro. "Can I sleep here for the rest of tonight?"

"Yeah," He says. He turns off the light and pulls the blanket over both of you. "Night, sis."

"Night, bro." Hiro laughs quietly and you smile at the sound of it.

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