(86): Healing

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Baymax x Reader requested by Ms_Kat_2014. Enjoy.

You woke up feeling terrible. Your throat was sore, head pounding, nose stuffed up, stomach queasy. You groan and grab your phone off of the nightstand. Every bone in your body hurts. Hiro texted:

Hey, ready to go?

You text back:

Can't. Seriously sick.

Hiro texts back:

That sucks. Okay. Get better.

You lay your phone down and crawl under your covers, quickly falling asleep.


You wake up when someone shakes your shoulder. You open your eyes. "Hiro?" You ask. "What are you doing? Wha- How'd you get in here?"

"You left the door unlocked. That's dangerous, you know." He gestures to Baymax, who waddles in the room. "I brought my healthcare companion here, to heal your sad, sick little self."

"Um, thanks," You say, sitting up.

"Hello," Baymax says. "I will scan you now. Scan complete. Your temperature is elevated. You are experiencing a common flu. I suggest antibiotics and cough drops. Here." Baymax dispenses pills and hands them to you. Hiro gets you a glass of water.

You take the medicine. "Thank you, Baymax. I feel better already."

"I don't think that it is possible to feel so healthy after only a minute. You are still sick."

You get out of bed. "It's a figure of speech, buddy. Thanks." You hug him. His arms heat to keep you warm and wrap around you tightly.

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