(169): Aunt Cass

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Sibling Hiro x Reader I thought of--
Totally excited because in two days my Big Hero 6 bluray that I preordered arrives! Yayy~ ^-^

"___, Hiro. Up, up, up!" Aunt Cass calls from the doorway of the bedroom that you share with your brother, Hiro. "Come on, sleepyheads! Breakfast is on the table!"

You groan and rub your eyes. Hiro mumbles, "What time is it?"

"Almost nine."

"What!" He gasps. He covers his head with his pillow. "Why so early?"

"Because I'm heading out for the day. I have letters to mail, groceries to buy. . . I'll be out all day. You two need to go ahead and get up or you'll sleep the day away."

Hiro groans. "But I'm tired."

"Then go get coffee," She says. She walks over to your bed and kisses your forehead. Then she walks to Hiro, moves his pillow, and kisses his forehead. "Get up. No sleeping. I love both of you. Keep the house decently cleaned, okay?"

"Okay. Love you, too," You and Hiro say at the same time.

Aunt Cass smiles and walks out. As soon as you hear the front door close, you say, "Hiro?"

"What?" He replies.

"I was thinking-"

"That's dangerous," Hiro mutters, laughing.

"Aw, shut up. Listen!"

"Okay, okay. Listening."

"Aunt Cass has been going through a lot, you know? She. . . She gave up a lot to raise us after Mom and Dad died, and when Tadashi died she helped us. She gets us out of trouble during bot fights. . . I just think that we should give her the rest of the day off."

"What do you mean, the rest of the day off?" He asks, sitting up in his bed.

"I don't know. . . make dinner or something."

Hiro nods. "Okay. Yeah. That's a good idea. Let's cook something!"


"___, are you sure we can do this?" Hiro asks as you prepare the ingredients for hot wings.

"Totally!" You exclaim. "Aunt Cass makes these for us all the time! It'll be super easy."

"You're sure?"

"Totally," You say. "So easy-- we should make a cake, too!"

Hiro smiles. "Um, okay. I mean, that might not be a good idea, but okay."


Soon after that decision, you realize what a mistake this was. Flour covers the counter, milk drips on the floor, hot sauce covers the dishes. "Ohmigosh, ohmigosh," You breathe. "Okay. Okay. Hiro, mix the cake batter. I'll start the dishes." Hiro obeys. You turn away to was dishes. Soon after, you hear the mixer turn on and Hiro scream. You turn around and see cake batter splattering all over the cabinets and walls. "Hiro! What did you do?"

"I didn't mean it! I-I help me!" You walk to the mixer, looking for a way to turn it off. "How does this thing work?"

Just then, Cass walks in the door. She drops the stack of letters and the bags of groceries to the floor. "What in the world-- what are you two doing?" She runs to the kitchen and unplugs the mixer. "There better be a good explanation for this!"

"We're sorry, Aunt Cass," You say. Hiro nods. "We just- you've been working so hard for us and we-we just wanted to do something nice. Tadashi would've been better at this. But we tried to make chicken wings and cake. We're sorry."

Aunt Cass's expression softens. "That- that is an acceptable explanation. Oh, you two!" She hugs you both tightly. "That is so nice and thoughtful. I love you," She pats your head, "and you." She pats Hiro's. "Now, how about we clean this up and we'll order a pizza, okay?"

You nod. Hiro smiles. The three of you clean, happy and content in your small and broken family.

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