(182): Take Care Of You (Hiro)

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Reader x Sick Hiro as promised~


"Hey, Hiro!" You say, marching up the stairs. "Ready for the bot fight?" You look around the messy bedroom. "Hiro?"

"Over here," A voice groans. You walk to Hiro's bed, where a pile of blankets shifts slightly with every one of Hiro's breaths.

"Hiro?" You laugh. "What are you doing under there? C'mon, we've got a bot fight to get to!"

"I can't," He says.

"Why not?"

"Aunt Cass won't let me out of the house. I'm sick."

You sigh. "Of course."

"Sorry. Take Megabot." His arm pops out of the pile of blankets. He points to his desk. "You can take him to fight. You get half the profit."

"No way, Hiro."

"What?" Hiro pokes his head out of his pile. "Why not?"

"Cause we're a team. We can't just do this alone!"

Hiro smiles. "Alright. So what are we going to do?"

"I'm going to be the best ever and make you a bowl of soup."

"Yes. That'll make you the best ever. Sure," Hiro says sarcastically.

"Shh! You're sick. Be quiet and rest."

Hiro rolls his eyes and falls back on his pillows. He tugs his blankets over his head.

"Being sick is so boring," He complains as you walk out.

A few minutes later, you arrive with a bowl of soup. You hand it to Hiro.

After he's finished, he sighs. "Now what?" He asks.

"Videogames!" You say.

You and Hiro sit in front of the TV, playing (favorite_two_player_game). Hiro sits by your side, wrapped up in his blankets. After a while, he yawns.

"I'm kinda tired," He says.

"Alright. Go on to bed and I'll-"

"No," He mumbles. "Too tired." He closes his eyes and leans down until his head rests on your shoulder.

You laugh. "Okay, then."

"Stop shaking your shoulder. Keep playing," He mutters before he falls under.

You laugh again and continue to play, Hiro's loud snores keeping you company.

Big Hero 6 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now